MeetFighters News

I have managed to fix a bunch of entries from the Suggestion Box this week:

I have also closed some unpopular old entries that didn't seem relevant anymore. All in all, about half of the suggestion box entries are gone, so submit your new ideas! :)

I am currently working on a Mobile (lightweight) version of the site.

Admin님이 2011-06-19 오전 6:55에 마지막으로 수정; 1개의 댓글
영구 링크

5000 Members!

Hi everyone,

This week, our site has passed the 5000-member mark! We are now officially a crowd :)

It is not going to last very long, though, because I plan to disable profiles that haven't logged in in half a year starting sometime next week. This is going to affect around 600 profiles. Disabled profiles will no longer show up in the members list and you will not be able to send them messages. However, if the owner of the profile logs in, the profile will be instantly restored.

Another change I am planning for the near future has to do with date formatting. Dates appear in many different places, like your messages, the Events page, user profiles, etc.

Right now dates on the site are always formatted as "2011-06-12" meaning the 12th of June, 2011. This is an ISO standard date format, but is a little bit confusing to some members. For example, our USA members are more used to a 6/12/2011 (or even 6/12/11) format, while the United Kingdom prefers the 12/06/2011 order. (And there's many more).

My plan is to make the date formatting dependent on the user's language, so the date formatting will be closer to what you would expect it to be.

While we're on the topic of changes, it is now possible to sort the user's list by country and name, which is somewhat better for the "Who is on chat?" page than an alphabetical list.

– Admin out.

Admin님이 2011-06-12 오전 7:28에 마지막으로 수정; 0개의 댓글
영구 링크

April update

Dear members,

There have been a bunch of small changes to the site since the last issue of Site News, here's the list:

  • It is now possible to change your username for a token fee.
  • The weekly newsletter no longer contains a list of changed profiles. This makes the newsletter a bit more compact.
  • The "gallery" and "softcore gallery" photo moderation categories have been merged to simplify the system a little.
  • The wording of new event notifications has been changed; they sound less like personal invitations now.
  • Site support localization for various languages (some translations pending).
  • Miscellaneous small bugfixes and enhancements.

We hope that you continue to find our site useful! :)

Admin out.
Admin님이 2011-04-27 오후 12:34에 마지막으로 수정; 0개의 댓글
영구 링크

Dear members,

As you may or may not be aware, this site, AllFighters, has, since it's inception 2 years ago, been a one-man project. I am maintaining the servers, writing and improving the site software and supporting members when they have questions or need help.


In recent times, the supporting task has began to outgrow my capacity. In the interest of freeing up more of my time for site improvement, and also helping members get more timely responses to their support requests, I have decided that it is time to ask for help. Specifically your help!

If you think you've been using the site long enough to have a comfortable understanding of how it works, AND have the inclination to help your fellow members, read on!

As a supporter, you will see a list of support requests that need help. You will need to read them to see if there are any that you can reply.

  • If you see one that you can reply, you can do so. You can reply with your full profile name, or anonymously (your name will be replaced with an ID number).
  • It's possible that you will find support requests that you do not know the answer to. You can skip these, maybe someone else will pick them up.
  • Some support requests might actually require me (the site administrator) to fix. With a click, you can escalate these requests and I will handle them. Once escalated, the support requests will no longer be visible to you or other supporters.

This is the deal. So, if you are feeling up to the task, have been a member for at least 6 month, and have at least 10 past opponents, apply with the management!

Admin님이 2011-03-10 오후 12:38에 마지막으로 수정; 0개의 댓글
영구 링크

Hi AllFighters,

Starting this week, you can specify which languages you speak in your profile. If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to edit your profile and select your languages.

Other, smaller changes include:

  • Tracker/2011-02-08: The wording of event notification messages has been changed to make them sound less like a personal invitation.
  • The way you can select interests and languages has been improved (for those of you using a modern browser).

That's all for this week!

Admin님이 2011-02-27 오전 6:34에 마지막으로 수정; 0개의 댓글
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