FightPedia, Mobile App and More
- Admin
- 2015-03-01
- 60
It's been a while since the last site news. Let's see what's been happening!
I am looking for FightPedia editors! FightPedia is a "wiki" for MeetFighters, concentrating on topics related to combat sports and the site itself. I consider it an experiment in collaborative editing. Let's see how it goes! For now, it is completely empty except for some placeholder pages. It's up to YOU (as in, every member of this site) to make it something great.
If you want to contribute and shape FightPedia, please drop a comment below. Do explain what it is that you want to add or change.
FightPedia is available for preview here.
Mobile App
Work has began on a MeetFighters Mobile App targeting the Android and iOS platforms. The app itself is in very early stages of development, largely in a pre-alpha, proof-of-concept state. I expect to see a first release sometime around mid-April. More information will be coming early April.
We are not yet ready for an alpha test, but post a comment if you have ideas for mobile app features.
New Messaging Page
I am working on a new messaging code, something cleaner and more streamlined than what we have now. There is a beta version for the adventurous here. It has most basic features in place, but lacks that certain spit and polish.
XXX Gallery
I am considering the option of posting photos that are not family friendly in profile galleries. There is obviously some demand for this sort of attraction. On the other hand, there is a risk that too much sugar could attract folk who are not interested in fighting.
Before I commit to this, I want to ask Your opinion on the matter!
Would you like to see XXX photos in profile galleries?
- Allow XXX photos in profile galleries (566개의 투표: abuster, aceoffight, A Free Spirit, AgentPoseidon, aggroproll, aggroskinhead, akboitoy, akron1245, Albanyksh, alex83, AlexGP1979, alexs111, alexscissors, Alpace, amex2, anathema1032, andreas1970, Andrey Wellergaim, Andy Bluebear, ansky, antaeusX, Antonio saventa, ant-tor, ArabianGuy, ARjobber, arwmike, Aussie Bummer, axxo007, Ayumizu, B3Wrestle, ba0476, badboisp, badladuk, barbaro44, Barefoot Grappler, barefootrasler, Barfrey, baronedimare, batboy09, batman, BAWrestler, bearlotta, bearwrestler69, Belly Punch, BerlinWrestler, Bernardo, BEST GUTPUNCHEE, Bicepburn, BigBeast, bigfootfighter, bighairywrstlrpa, BigJoe, BigJohn123, Bigsmiles, Billy Bonney, billydoll, Biscuit0045, blade61, bleath, bluemask, bodyslam90kg, Bone saw, bortoms, bositro, bostongrapple, boxers4, Boxer VA, Boxing dude, boxing glover, Boxingrob, boxnjobber, boxtpntx, bradleyj, brazilwrestler86, Brendan Byers, brightonguy, bristolwrestler, brooklinewrestle, Brouhaha, browrest, BRU2015, bryonb74, buffmark, bulldogwrst, bunyo, calilee, CAMARADA, camper, Captainandy, carioca fighter, casalutte, Cdncplfight, chhmuscle, Chokeslam, chris80ko, cmhwrestler, CoachRon, coboxerbear, cockfightSF, codywrestler, Coleman, ColoWrestler, copper64, cph boxer, craigtoronto, cristhoper apolo, crystaljaw, CYBERBRUTAL, dabouk, dadobsx, daedalus statue, dann the man, Dannyboy 6 6 6, danzone1968, darkwin369, Dave wrestle, daveywrest, david munich, dawgman81, deepfought, DefiCool, denverbill, dereko, devilishjosh, dfeetffm, didi4, didou, dimitrisdiogenis, Dimy, dirtyfighter93, Docklands Bear, dogslave44, dominate me, Dragonbear, Dragonfly, drkovacs, duel action, dystran, ego1, Eiergeiler, Elan1, El Mistico, Emmett00, ExcentricPuncher, f4leglock, fantasyfeak, fatboy, faxink, ffmjobber, fife, fighter83, Fighter Gary, FightMeNow, fightsoldier, finisher, fireman87, fishandchips, fitfll50, fitguy2, flagtd, FlevoHans, flexnpose4me, Flwresler, flyer93, fmrhugger, Folkenseven, Forester, frambo, Freddy Germany, Freenote, FrenchMadrid, Frisky, Fullnelson, Funfighter1985, fun missouri guy, gay kenny, Geoslam, gerard5567, gerryfra, gguy, gh05t, giro mail, golden406, gptradr, gragonte, grapplemedown, grapplerguy, gremlin, GroundFite, gutpunch, gutpunch67, gymbudinmn, hairybrussels, hairychestcowboy, hairymonkey, hanky, happyman, HarborFighter, HardforuOhio, Hardmatch, Harrier1UK, HDScissorFan, Headscissor Dude, heralduk, hero20, Hftywrestler, HMB, hookandroll, Hooligan, hostilius3, hotjudoka, Hrvac, hryrassler, hugefan, hunk71fi, Huttman09, iammemeisi, indras09, irishlad, JACARE, Jacgrappler, JamesJ, Jamie19, jarek2001, jasontenx, jay 312, jaybee64, jayboy0204, jayjaycgn, JayPuncher, Jay-Ryan, jaywalker, JayXMuscle, je999, Jearfighter, jesse, jeuxcombat, JJ Sparks, jnlutteur74, Jobber1985, jobberjynx, Jockbuster, joeytheslayer, John D Cotterill, Johnmtl, jonesy908, joni1983, jonniedarko, jonyBRSP, jsboxer, jsg101, juancho41, judoka33, judoreal, judosol, Julio, Jyrob, KämpferLPZ, kampfmen, K-Extreme, KicksBoxer, kingofnat11, kit2203, -kj, knightrider85, kodboxer1, KOEZE, konnos85, KoolTex, kuromike, Lafkos, LAsFalstaff, lawrestlenfight, ldnse1, leatherfight, leathersubLA, Lederringer, leelondon, Leuven wrestler, liftme20, likudguy77, LisbonWrestler, lohingren, London1980, Londonfightfan, LondonHeel, longlines8, lonny br, low 010, luchador Donosti, luchamad42, luchaMat, Ludwig, lusowrestler, lutteausol, luttecatch3, lutteur2906, malefight, manboynyc, MancWrestler, Marbie, marcushisp, markec1, Marklar, marko75, marphy, marty16210, matjack, matsteve, matteurlutte, Matt Larsen, matworker, MC14, mft336nc, micmac63, mikesgpjhb, mikey3458, mikeywrestling, Misiu84, MissMuscle, mixwrestler5114, MM1Kirkcaldy, mochablk, montanamonte, MontyNJ, moremuscle, MTFBN, MTLwrestler1967, MucCut, mudhog wrestler, MuscChamp, muscldbull, muscleken, musclelvr427, musicmixer, muslsqueezed, Nature boy, neilm21, nesunfight, Netto, nevadafighter, newgenhonda, ngw555, Nick, NikeWrestling, niko06laus, nipplefighter, njboxerboi, NJmatman, NJMusclebud, NJW77, northstaffs pitbull terrior, novicewrestler2, NYWrestler1985, olli1994, oneatatime, Ordinaryguy1506, OVERunder, oxfordenglishdic, Pancrace92, pandamonium, pebbles 47801, PedroParis, Peepingtom, petern25, petitoursbleu, phboxer, philip1, photoroger, piggybacks, piledriverchina, Pin me, PJ1, playwrestler, plumtart, polp, PopeyeN, poseidonwrestler, pouochh, ProWrestlFan, proxor, pulsar 79, punchee4gutpuncher, Punk-Ass-Mexican, pvkalso, qwerasd, raf, Randomgrappler, raslnbb, rasslenrob, Raufbold, Raufbold1976, rc13, readytowrestle, recuo, Reefhook, renguin, RichmondWrestler, Ricotewrestler, riotgear, ripman2, ritchy england, robbiecp, Robert, Roberts, robroy01, ron10953, ronald, Rookie, roverpete, RowdyMike, Rower87, RuffFightChallenge, Rugby guy, Safari 6969, SammyBond, scot nylonfan, SCVLearner, SeanMCP, SecretBoy, Senior Bear, Sensei Karate, Sgroc3, SGwrestler, Shadow Knight, Shane, Shortslad, Shos, sietse z, singletwrestler44, slamitdown, Slam me, Sleeper4fun, sleepercub, Sleeper kid, slimsubjobber, sluggo, smach, smeikle, sockvid, Southcoast Guy, SpeedoFun, spez0405, spgf38, SpideyScotUK, spieleugen, spladleguy, spuds86, SqueezeNW, stalksthemoon, Starbrand2099, starbucking69, starworld, stefanusms, steph1948, steve fleming, submit2me, SubWrestler175, suig, sunboy, SuperBadSabs, superling, swolf, SZTMike, tailcut, TallBoxer, TallCAGuy, tallnhairy1, tallwrestle, TANKE, tankuk, Tanner Ripley, tasci, testeur, the Doll, The Milkman, The Undertaker, tightbodnyc, TightSqueeze, Tino, TnTwister, tnwreslbear, TOMACHO1000, tommywrestler, Tomo67, TonyMaleasart, tornjock, Toshi, toughJobber13, toughwrestler md, touro, TOWrestler85, Tradeblows, Traithe, TRMNYC, turkish fight, Txbigb, Tybinola, UKAndy99, ukbeachbum, uk submission jobber, untouchable1, up 2 u, Vagrappler, valia, Vaughnwrestler, vaxrte, videoboyuk, Viking Warrior, vostok, w4fun, want2bpinned, welpje, wetspeedos, wfan23, Wiesel 65xxx, WildcatLes, wolfjobber, woodrower, wre2wre, wrestl2win, wrestle4pins, WrestleAddict, WrestleBob, wrestledave, Wrestlefan13, wrestleguyuk, wrestleku, wrestlemat2001, wrestle me, wrestle me uk, wrestler316, Wrestler63, wrestler Jim, wrestlescot, wrestlew, Wrestling Beast, WrestlingBoxing, wrestlingfan, WrestlingGR, Wrestlingguy, Wrestling Toy, wrestlinstudd, wrestlme37, wrestlrli, WrestoBG, wresttal, wrstnl, WSUPERMAN30, wswrstlr, wwestl67, XLChief, xratedwrslr, yerv, you hard enough, young79312, young fight, youngpocket, youngwannd, yyzgwmc2c, zbobsled, zigy22, zolee, zsportz, zumplausch, zwirnie)
- Don't allow XXX photos in profile galleries (404개의 투표: 65hotwrestle, Abbraxas, abyssguy, ad61533, Adam, adidaswrestling, Adler, adriwong, aeneas, Aggrippa, aha1012, aiadasgr, ajcox, ALE TRON, Alex333, Alkane, allroad, Anakinsky, andreawrestling, andrewj, Andy Bailey, Andy Cage, Anfänger, Animal KingDom, Antheus, ArdonUD, ArmwrestleAndMore, Armwrestling guy, askander, Australian Wrestler, aztony, BadassWrestler, bam2, BamaJDon41, bayourassler, BBRasslin, bcn1974, Beaker, Bearhuggirl, BeatenPAProJobber, BeefyWrestler, BelgiumWrestler, Benoit, Berlin, BigBhim, Big Guy, BikerE1W, billy, birkozas25bp, bishop65, BJJgrappleBoxr, bkwrestling, Blaze Bradley, Bodythrust, bogeyedmonk, Bomber, Boricua Wrestler, boxingfan21, Boxingmarco, boxjim12, boxrguy, BrightonTom, Brixwres1975, brjiu1, bubber11, buck214, budabs, cajunliteweight, cam2785, carl94, cartas4567, catman, Cet03, champ7685, ChaseAddams92, chesterbloke, Choke Out, Chris55, chuckles06, Churd, CJ Styles, cliffedge2000, climbinghigh92, crossguy, Crusher Canuck, Crushwrestler, cyberwrestler21, Cymrofight, daj29152, danemany, daniellibra1986, David, DCJobber, deanohio2, DexterGlitch, diggeroh, dirtyhold, domwrestler7, Donwres, downforthecount123, dpp4, DraigGoch, Driver, drpdaz, dudebull, edbert, elgreco, Essex, fallnangel, fghtr, fh2150, fig4man, fight10, Fighter1983J, FighterBA, fightguy, finest, Fireball05, fitbelfastlad, Fitbloke, FitScot, fitspeedo, fracle2, Friendly Heel, FunWrestler94, GermanFighterMMA, Ghjghj, gj be, gladiaturk, glaliot, Godzilla, gpgloves, GrapplerNY, Grapplervir, Greguk, gures, Gutboxer, GutPunch562, Gutpuncher2013, Guysmiley, guysports, GymGladiator, hafeezu wrestler, Hairy Puncher, hakancem, hardfitsub, Harrycarter, hashbock, Hawaiijd, hephaestion2014, herovsvillain, HertsFighter, HIGGENS, highflyeral, howard48, Hunnog, Hyede, ikf, ilovetowreslte, ImtiazAli, indianaboxer1963, Interactive, inthegut, Irishfighter, Ironbull, ironranger, Iwreslinca, j2047, jake12345, Jambo, Janitor, JasonFL, jimbo, jimi b, jitsuguy, jobbere14, Jobby McJobberson, jpus16, Jsubwrestler, Judofight, JudoJock, judokafr, Judoka WA, Judomonkey, Judopete, Just Dan, kal, Kent, Kevin93, King B, Kureitondesu, L4wrestlMate, lancsguy, Lassic, Lathan, learner71, legendNWUK, legflexxxer, LetsGrapple, lightguy, liketowrestle, liteman, litewt78, loco, londonq, lottatoreroma, LuchadorFLA, Lugi, luttefrance, lutteurlg, Mainewrsl, Man2ManHky, Manchesterboxer, man of 10000 holds, marconi, Mark Ressler, markuk, marsupi, matt nbg, matworkout, Maurice12, Maximus, Maxx, mcic, MCRLON30UK, Miamigrappler, Mich123, mikemat123, Milksandwater, mixmail, MMAfajter, Morrosko, mr marcus, munichsubfight, munichwrestler, muscledhunk, musclehunk, n2rassle, namazsk, ncgamer, neontoby, nhgrappler, NJWoodbridge, NJWrestler, nola roller, northbound, northfighter, nottsman, novawrestler, nu2rasln, nwfan53, NYerhere, Odiom, orenoren35, OrlandoFight, ozwrestle, painauthority, Pandathug, pariswrestling13, PatBoxer, Paul Vincent, Perseus, Phil pro wrestles, pidgeot123, playfulwrestler, plb1109, princeps, ProBuiltBeef, ProStyle, prosubsladuk, pshawfocus, punch24, puncher, pythianknight, quadi1, quasiotter, rale8017, ralfman, razorfish, rberto89a, retserof, rezla123, rhober, RhodyRaybo, ribcrusher, Richard, Ridge, ringer-mainz, Riviera Wrestle, rob99, rock20087, Rollaround23, RomaFighter, Rowdy Submission, Rusnak, Sam, sammy novicewrestler, sandmgh, SCchamp, Schwabe, scissorfan, scotpal, scotsgrappler, scottimike, scrappyone, shadowwrestler, shankly, sid, silverbear, slick, Slugfest, Slugger, slvrsqrl, small power house, Smeshy, socalwrest, softwrestling68, sparkie, speedowrestle, spirit6060, Squashlad, Stabber, STBorneo, stevo, strangelove, StrikeFighter, strongasian, stuttgart grappling, subbro09, subguy21, sub job, submissiowrestling, suburbanite, subwrest, superltweight, SurreyGuy, Swintonguy, tansko, tapout, Taren21, taringo, TechnicalMachine, technics2, Texas90, texas wrestler, the123champ, The Darknight, The Kestrel, thighman, Tigerrific, Tivoli, toby, Tom 049, toplad, topted, Torontowrestle, Torrnado, tough gut, toughmatch, ToughMature, training and fight, Triumphman65, TS NHB, TTG87auro, tuffwrstl0, Txwresl, Tynesider, UKSubsFighter, uk wrestler slam, ursrusso, Vanman, Vermont9876, vonsueno, watson, wildcub70, Wlaendure, wolf, wr25, wreslbear, wrestle28117, wrestle4kicks, wrestle73, wrestle bomb, WrestleForFun NL, wrestleguy 3, wrestleguysd, wrestlejock, wrestlejon, wrestlemick, wrestler2000, Wrestler50, Wrestlerfun, wrestlerguy21, wrestlerlutteur, Wrestlertoo, wrestleunc, wrestlewanted, wrestling82, wrestlingbear, wrestlingotter, wrestlron, wrestme, Yolo, yonkerswrangler)
- I don't know (88개의 투표: Admin, akbar1206, Akis, ayrshirewrestle, baerhd, barefootmark, Barney84, bearhugchris, Black Titan, BlondViking, BoxinSub, candy carton, Catfish, cem, Clive, dguy, Diablody, diesel, Dino, dual, dudmath, duellist, egyfighter, fighterff, fightwell, FLASH1025, g9988, golferX, grapl, grappa50, grappleruk, graproma, Greekprofantasy, gymnazein, hardpunch, HitTaker, hoosierpuncher, Jdawgoh, Jedi, legend05, leondex, libertine109, little Tony, LondonLad, Ltsfght, lutonwrestle, lutteurardent, matwork21, miamimattheat1, mikeswuk, Mirceal, MMTwister, MuscleBond, MuscPecPunch, newlondonwrestler, NickZ, Nico-the-S-wrestler, Nono, ohiodude, palaman, paradigm shift, Playtime, polaris555, pollebe, ProBoxer, punchmeout, radryan43, rassler, Raywrestle, rb1908, rhoenerroemer, RingerBoy19, Scrapperlad86, SQUEEZEPLAY, Superfly, synxiec, throwdownsg, Tradeblows, troubelshooter, trustyseeker, tux, ukman60, WrestleAndBox, wrestlertiger, wrestlnfool, wrslrnDFW, yim, Yngrasslr00)
Would you post your XXX photos in your profile gallery?
- I would post my XXX photos. (201개의 투표: abuster, A Free Spirit, Alpace, anathema1032, Andrey Wellergaim, antaeusX, Aussie Bummer, Ayumizu, ba0476, badboisp, Barefoot Grappler, Barfrey, baronedimare, BAWrestler, Belly Punch, Bernardo, Bicepburn, BigBeast, bighairywrstlrpa, Bigsmiles, Billy Bonney, billydoll, Biscuit0045, blackfighter, bortoms, boxnjobber, bradleyj, brazilwrestler86, bristolwrestler, BRU2015, Captainandy, carioca fighter, cartas4567, Cdncplfight, codywrestler, cristhoper apolo, crystaljaw, dabouk, Dave wrestle, denverbill, dermott wigan1, devilishjosh, dfeetffm, Diablody, diannej, dobbobruv, dogslave44, Domteen, dpp4, Dragonbear, duel action, dystran, El Mistico, Emmett00, f4leglock, faxink, fife, fighterff, Fighter Gary, fireman87, fishandchips, FistsInGut, FlevoHans, Flwresler, fmrhugger, Forester, Freddy Germany, Freenote, Frisky, fsmeets60, Funfighter1985, georg, gerard5567, gerryfra, gingerfighter, golferX, gptradr, Gregorio2, gutpunch, hairybrussels, Hal6969, hanky, happyman, HarborFighter, hardonthemat, Harrier1UK, hotjudoka, iammemeisi, indras09, irishlad, Jamie19, jayjaycgn, jesse, joeytheslayer, jonesy908, juancho41, judoka33, judosol, KämpferLPZ, K-Extreme, kingofnat11, knightrider85, konnos85, KoolTex, leathersubLA, liftme20, likudguy77, luchador Donosti, luchamad42, lusowrestler, luttesoumission, malefight, MancWrestler, markec1, Marklar, marko75, MatmanTX, matteurlutte, mikesgpjhb, mixwrestler5114, MM1Kirkcaldy, MMTwister, mochablk, montanamonte, MontyNJ, moremuscle, Morrosko, MTFBN, MTLwrestler1967, MucCut, Netto, Nick, njboxerboi, northstaffs pitbull terrior, NYWrestler1985, pandamonium, Patrik366, PedroParis, Peñafort, petern25, PJ1, pouochh, proboy, punchee4gutpuncher, recuo, Reefhook, Ricotewrestler, robbiecp, RuffFightChallenge, Sensei Karate, Sgroc3, Shadow Knight, shuttlexp, sietse z, Sleeper kid, Smallbutstrong1981, sockvid, SpideyScotUK, spieleugen, Starbrand2099, starbucking69, stefanusms, steve fleming, submit2me, suig, SuperBadSabs, tailcut, tasci, Tino, tnwreslbear, TonyMaleasart, tornjock, TOWrestler85, Tybinola, Tyger, UKAndy99, uk submission jobber, up 2 u, Viking Warrior, Vince, welpje, wetspeedos, wolfjobber, woodrower, wrestledave, wrestlemat2001, wrestlemax, Wrestler63, wrestling82, Wrestlingguy, Wrestling Toy, wrestlme37, WrestoBG, wresttal, wswrstlr, yerv, Yngrasslr00, you hard enough, yyzgwmc2c, zigy22, zsportz)
- I would not post my XXX photos. (451개의 투표: 65hotwrestle, Abbraxas, ad61533, Adam, Adler, aeneas, aggroproll, aha1012, akboitoy, ALE TRON, Alex333, alex83, algiz, Alkane, allroad, Anakinsky, andrewj, Andy Bailey, Anfänger, ArdonUD, ArmwrestleAndMore, Armwrestling guy, AsPalepsoume, Australian Wrestler, axxo007, AyeAye, ayrshirewrestle, aztony, BadassWrestler, baerhd, Basildon Bloke, BBRasslin, BDsubmit, bear2967, bearhugchris, Bearhuggirl, BeatenPAProJobber, Benoit, Berlin, berniebln, bestfighter35, Bigboy5604, Big Guy, BigJoe, BikerE1W, billy, birkozas25bp, Bjjfight, bkwrestling, Blaze Bradley, BlondViking, bluemask, bobster, Bodythrust, Bomber, Bone saw, Boricua Wrestler, boston111, Boston Tap, Boxing dude, Boxingmarco, boxtpntx, BrightonTom, brjiu1, browrest, bubber11, cajunliteweight, camper, candy carton, casalutte, Catfish, cem, Cet03, champ7685, champchris, ChaseAddams92, chesterbloke, chhmuscle, chicagowrestbox, ChineseGrappler, Choke Out, Chris55, chuckles06, Churd, CJ Styles, cliffedge2000, climbinghigh92, coboxerbear, crossguy, Crushwrestler, cyberwrestler21, Dan89, darkwin369, Davey716, David, DazzFighter, DCJobber, deanohio2, dereko, DexterGlitch, diesel, diggeroh, Dino, dirtyhold, DiverTom, DomSquashMatch, domwrestler7, downforthecount123, DraigGoch, drpdaz, dual, dudebull, dudmath, duellist, edbert, edscissors, ego1, egyfighter, Elan1, elgreco, Essex, fallnangel, fantasyfeak, fghtr, FighterBA, fightguy, FightNut, finest, Fireball05, fitbelfastlad, fitfll50, fitguy2, FitScot, FLASH1025, flyer93, fracle2, FunWrestler94, GermanFighterMMA, gh05t, Ghjghj, gj be, glad42, gladiaturk, glaliot, gpgloves, grapl, grappler4fun, GrapplerNL, GroundFite, gures, Gutboxer, GutPunch562, guysports, GymGladiator, gymnazein, hafeezu wrestler, Hairy Puncher, hakancem, hardfitsub, Hardmatch, Harrycarter, hashbock, Hawaiijd, HDScissorFan, Headscissor Dude, hedloker uk, Heel4You, hephaestion2014, Hermes1974, HIGGENS, highflyeral, HitTaker, hookandroll, howard48, hugefan, Hunnog, Huttman09, Hyede, Iamlightningman, ikf, ImtiazAli, indianaboxer1963, indianawrestler, Interactive, inthegut, Ironbull, ironranger, Iwreslinca, j2047, jake12345, jamesclarke1994, Janitor, jason, JasonFL, jcripe03, Jdawgoh, Jedi, jerseyboy11, jimi b, jitsuguy, Jobby McJobberson, joeran, John D Cotterill, johnwhy, joni1983, jpus16, Jsubwrestler, Judofight, JudoJock, judokafr, Judoka WA, kal, Kevin93, KicksBoxer, King B, -kj, Kureitondesu, Lassic, Lathan, ldnse1, learner71, leelondon, legflexxxer, leondex, libertine109, lightguy, liketowrestle, liteman, litewt78, little Tony, loco, LondonHeel, londonq, lottatoreroma, LuchadorFLA, Lugi, Lumberjack, lutteurardent, lutteurlg, MacSlay, madridwrestler, Man2ManHky, Manchesterboxer, Manchesterlad29, man of 10000 holds, Marbie, marcus, Mark Ressler, marsupi, matsteve, Matt Larsen, matt nbg, matwork21, Maurice12, MAwrestler, Maximus, MCRLON30UK, mecsport, Medboxer, mercury773, metuck12, Mich123, micmac63, mike1327, mikemat123, mikewrestles1, Milksandwater, Mirceal, movik, munichsubfight, munichwrestler, MuscleBond, musicmixer, muslsqueezed, ncgamer, NewFighter30, newlondonwrestler, NickNWUK, NickZ, NikeWrestling, NJFTR, NJWoodbridge, nola roller, northbound, NorthernWrestler, northfighter, novicewrestler2, NYerhere, OhioBulldog, oneatatime, orenoren35, OrlandoFight, osama330, OTS XL, OVERunder, ozwrestle, painauthority, palaman, Pandathug, PatBoxer, Patrik366, Paul Vincent, Peepingtom, philip1, Phil pro wrestles, pidgeot123, playfulwrestler, Playtime, plumtart, polyethylene33, Princesse Ludwyna, ProBoxer, ProBuiltBeef, ProStyle, prosubsladuk, pshawfocus, punch24, puncher, punchmeout, pythianknight, quadi1, quasiotter, quichotte, rale8017, ralfman, raslnbb, rasslefight, rassler, Raufbold, Raufbold1976, Raywrestle, razorfish, retserof, rezla123, rhober, RhodyRaybo, Richard, Ridge, ringer-mainz, rob99, Roberts, rock20087, Rollaround23, RomaFighter, RowdyMike, Rowdy Submission, Rugby guy, Rusnak, Safari 6969, Sam, sandmgh, Scissorvictim, scotpal, SeanMCP, Senior Bear, sid, silverbear, slick, Slugfest, Slugger, smach, smeikle, Smeshy, smlgrappler, softwrestling68, SpeedoFighterAdam, SpeedoFun, speedowrestle, spirit6060, Squashlad, SqueezeNW, stevo, strangelove, StrikeFighter, strong-ale, stuttgart grappling, subbro09, subguy21, sub job, submissionzh, suburbanite, subwrest, SubWrestler175, sunboy, superal, SurreyGuy, tampachaser, Tanker, tapout, Taren21, TechnicalMachine, technics2, the123champ, The Kestrel, TheOllieWatts, therocktarzan, Tiger, Tigerrific, tightbodnyc, Tivoli, tna fan, tnwrestler1, toehold66, Tom 049, Tomkat44, topted, Torontowrestle, Torrnado, toughmatch, training and fight, treag25, Triumphman65, trustyseeker, TS NHB, TTG87auro, tuffwrstl0, tux, Txwresl, ukwrestle100, uk wrestler slam, ulx1, Vanman, vaxrte, watson, wildcat, wildcub70, wolf, wrestle28117, wrestle73, wrestle bomb, WrestleForFun NL, wrestleguysd, wrestlejock, wrestler1999, Wrestler50, Wrestlerfun, wrestlerlutteur, Wrestlertoo, wrestleyoungonly, wrestlingbear, WrestlingGR, wrestlingotter, wrestlinstudd, wrestlnfool, wrestlron, wrestme, wrookywrestler, wrslrnDFW, wstlguy, wwestl67, yonkerswrangler)
- I don't know (108개의 투표: Admin, aggroskinhead, aiadasgr, Akis, Albanyksh, alexscissors, Andy Bluebear, ansky, ArabianGuy, barbaro44, Bauch-Torture, blade61, brooklinewrestle, bryonb74, buffmark, bulldogwrst, chevy33301, Coleman, Dannyboy 6 6 6, danzone1968, dawgman81, dguy, dimitrisdiogenis, Docklands Bear, exercise, ffmjobber, fighterff, frambo, g9988, gay kenny, God411, grappa50, grapplemedown, grapplerguy, graproma, hairychestcowboy, hotman, icebrkkk, ishkurr, JACARE, jayboy0204, jaywalker, je999, JJ Sparks, Johnmtl, jsboxer, kuromike, LAsFalstaff, leicswrestle, lohingren, longlines8, luchaMat, lutteausol, luttecatch3, malefight, mcic, mft336nc, mikeswuk, neilm21, ngw555, Nico-the-S-wrestler, paradigm shift, pebbles 47801, phboxer, polp, poseidonwrestler, qwerasd, raf, rasslenrob, rc13, renguin, ripman2, Roborobinson, Rower87, Schwabe, Shos, singletwrestler44, slamitdown, sluggo, Speedy, SQUEEZEPLAY, starworld, steph1948, swolf, SZTMike, testeur, The Darknight, tijean, TnTwister, TOMACHO1000, Tomo67, touro, Traithe, untouchable1, valia, wfan23, Wiesel 65xxx, WildcatLes, wrestleku, wrestler2000, wrestler Jim, wrestlertiger, Wrestling Beast, wrstnl, young fight, youngwannd, zbobsled, zolee)
Please don't forget to click on each "Vote!" button.
Behind the scenes, a lot of improvements went into the site code:
- New photo and video upload code that leverages new features in web browsers.
- Lots of code cleanup and optimization.
- Reinstated the CloudFlare CDN for faster page load times globally.
- The number of unread messages is shown in the page title. You can see when you have new messages with a glance at your browser's tab bar!
- Some usability enhancements for the Help and Support page.
- The search results and user list have expandable parts for accessing the dialog, sending a new message, etc.
- Your private notes can be sorted by country.
- The dialog page is broken into multiple pages if you have exchanged over 100 messages with someone. It's not unheard of...
MeetFighters is 6 Years Old!
- Admin
- 2014-11-30
- 4
Wow, has it really been 6 years? (Yes it has.)
Where are we now?
- Over 9000 members! (9258 at the time of writing.)
- Over 43,000 photos!
- Over 250 videos!
I think this is pretty cool for a site that is a hobby project of a few dedicated people. Big thanks to supporters, translators, donors and everyone who helped spread the word.
Special thanks goes to:
- ikf, our longest-standing site supporter. Your help and advice is invaluable and I thank you for all the assistance and encouragement!
- toughwrestler, who amassed 300 past opponents in his 6 years with us. Wow. That's one new guy every week.
- wrestler2000, the guy who donated most to the site. Thank you! Those servers didn't commission themselves...
- MCRLON23UK, our resident fake profile detector.
- ladron fr and tapout, our most active translators, keeping up site's polyglot mojo alive.
- And all my other helpers and supporters. You know who you are. I love you guys :D
There are some new features to celebrate the occasion:
- You can toggle all favorite notifications quickly. So if you dislike those birthday notifications, you can now get rid of them in about 5 seconds.
- Your past opponents were split into three groups: those waiting for your confirmation, those that were not confirmed by the other party and the fully confirmed ones. This should make the list easier to take in!
- You can indicate that you don't want to receive XXX photos in your messages.
- There is a direct link to your outbox on the left of the page.
- The message list is easier to use on smart phones.
Commercial Activity: The Votes are In!
- Admin
- 2014-08-30
- 24
Hello everyone,
The votes are in for our poll on commercial activity on MeetFighters.
Votes | % of votes | Weighted % | |
Disallow all commercial activity, including profile text, private messages, forums, blogs, etc. | 487 | 29% | 27% |
Keep the "Classifieds" forum for the trade of small personal items. | 328 | 19% | 21% |
Allow offers of commercial activity in private messages. | 225 | 13% | 15% |
Allow offers of commercial activity in profile text. | 200 | 12% | 12% |
Allow offers of commercial activity in blogs and forums. | 196 | 11% | 12% |
Allow companies to register and promote their products on the site. | 157 | 9% | 8% |
Allow everything. Capitalism ahoy! | 63 | 3% | 3% |
It is a somewhat mixed bag. The highest score goes to disallowing all commercial activity, with keeping the "Classifieds" forum in second place. Third place goes to allowing commercial activity in private messages. The first three places combined yield 63% of the weighted votes.
I am drawing the following conclusion: Commercial activity on MeetFighters shall be limited to the "Classifieds" forum and private messages. This means that no commercial activity will be allowed in other public areas of the site, including profile text, blog posts, forums, groups, etc. This policy is not, in fact, far from what is already in the site's Terms of Service. I have updated the Terms to make the limits more explicit:
Previous text of Terms of Service:
§4 Advertising on our pages is forbidden without the express permission of the site administrators.
- §4 Advertising on our pages is forbidden without the express permission of the site administrators.
- §4.1 It is forbidden to place advertisement for goods or services in any of the public areas of the site, including but not limited to:Your blog, your profile text, recommendations, forums, match requests and the public chat area.
- §4.2 Bulk unsolicited offers of goods and services by private messages is forbidden.
- §4.3 Members are permitted to post offers to buy or sell small personal items on the "Classifieds" forum.
While on the topic of changing the Terms of Service, I have added the following verbiage:
I hate this sort of text. I really do. It's ugly, unfriendly, unseemly and on some level against the spirit of the world wide web. Unfortunately recent events have proven that it is indeed necessary. I hate the person who has forced me to do this.
As always, the changes of the Terms of Service are now in effect. Your continued use of the site serves as an implicit acceptance of the new terms. Blah-blah-blah. Members who now have commercial stuff on their profiles or blogs get a 1-month grace period to clean up.
On a brighter note, I am working on a new feature called Fightopedia, which is designed to be a wiki for MeetFighters members. As always, your ideas are welcome.
Also, the first Monthly Surgery with Admin is this Sunday (31st of August) at 21:00 UTC. Go to the Chat page, it will show you the time according to your local time zone.
Admin out.
On Commercial Activity
- Admin
- 2014-07-31
- 71
Dear members,
From the very start, the creator of MeetFighters envisioned the site as a non-commercial project. The mission of the site was creating a personals site where the main purpose is allowing people interested in fighting to meet. I took over the site with the promise of keeping the site true to its original purpose.
What is wrong with commercial interest? Nothing in principle. Our societies are largely built on "enlightened self-interest", aren't they? On the other hand, too much of it can compromise the original mission of the site. We could put up huge banner ads. We could make deals with video production companies. We could limit what functionality is available for free, keeping basic features locked away behind a paywall. We don't do any of these things. We are not raking in the dough, because we believe that doing so would compromise our goal. Donations keep the site afloat, for which we are grateful to our membership. You guys rule! :)
So, our site's mission is not being compromised by commercial interest on our part. But what about commercial interests of others?
We just had an incident in which our site, a free, non-commercial project, was threatened with litigation by a company that was using our site (for free) to promote certain events and services and were claiming that we were interfering with their business. Some profiles were deleted. We are not at the liberty to disclose any details.
We maintain that the site's purpose is allowing fighters to meet. By its nature, the site is for personal, non-commercial use. My question to the community is this: What shall we do about commercial use? Up until now, we have taken a "live and let live" approach and allowed people to link to their commercial homepages, promote commercial events, offer paid services, etc. We have seen no harm being done to our site and figured that some of our community might find these services useful. So, why not? This is why. We don't want to be sued. We are not set up as facilitators of other people's business and have no interest in it anyhow. We certainly do not have the capacity to deal with the fallout.
(On a related note, the Events page is removed until further notice.)
Open question to all members: what are your thoughts on this? Your votes (multiple choice) and comments are welcome.
Allow commercial activity on MeetFighters?
- Disallow all commercial activity, including profile text, private messages, forums, blogs, etc. (487개의 투표: 1try2pinme8, 45manchego, 45North, 4--pack, a2bill, Abaelard1, AbsBoy, absok, ad61533, Adam1975, Admin, aeneas, afwrestler, Albert, Alex333, alex83, alsuper gp, andrewj, Andy Bailey, Animal KingDom, Anthon1, Antton64, armwrestler, asianmuscle, AsPalepsoume, athorr, Aussboxa, backwards, bam2, bamafight, BamaJDon41, barefoot, barefootrasler, Barney84, Basildon Bloke, battlefox, BBR, bear2967, bearboi, Bear Combat Warrior, BeefyWrestler, belegand, Belligerent, bellyache, Berlin, bermudabattle, BEST GUTPUNCHEE, bgwrslr, biathlete, BigBikerStache, Big Guy, bigguys4me, bigman, bigt730, bishop65, Bjjfight, blackmen13, bodycontactau, borderman, borets, BoroGrappler, boston kid, boxermad, BoxinCowboy, boxjim12, boxtpntx, Bristol Wrestle, bristolwrestler, bruceg, brunobsas, bulldogwrst, bullneck, Bustables, Caguy, cajunliteweight, cambridgeuk, camel boston, Cardiff40, Catalan Boxer, Cdncplfight, Cedric81, celticmuscles, CentralFL, CHAD99, ChaseAddams92, chevy33301, ChiBox, chicagowrestbox, ChineseGrappler, Chokemaster, Christos, chuckles06, CHwrestler, ckfightr, Clack, CoachRon, COFighter, colinfighter, commandertc, competitivestraight, Controller, Cornerman, Coub, cristhoper apolo, curiosoush, curtolutas, Cymrofight, Dadario, dany 2808, dave1973, DavidW, dawgman81, DCJobber, deanjones, Deano, Deeman, dermott wigan, dfwrasslr, dguy, DiverTom, docmoose, donegalsubwrestler, downforthecount, dpp4, drahtman, DraigGoch, drpdaz, DSMachado, dudmath, dundun, Dungeon Master, egyfighter, Elemental, etrekker, facesitee, Felipe, felix, ffm ringer, fig4me, fighter69, FighterV, FIGHTINGLEATHERNECK, fightinms, fightman123, fightmuscle, FightNut, finngrappler, Fit2014, fitspeedo, fixandfox, Flexforme, folgor3, folladorofollado, ForcedAbTrainer, foxy, freeman, frprowrestling, frushaggy, fsmeets60, Funfighter1985, fun missouri guy, funraufer, garrietate, gay kenny, gedlutte1, geekay, gerryfra, Giulian Vs, Gladiador gym, go2matwu, gordonbelly, gpau1900, grappler2000, grappler30, GrapplingHB, greatcow95, Greeklad, GroundFite, gunner, gures, gut123, gutpuncherNY, guy321, guyaskinforit, haden2, Hairy Puncher, hairytxwrestler, handto, hardfitsub, hardonthemat, Hartfordguy, hashbock, Heraclius2, heralduk, herovsvillain, Hertsteve, hiwrestling, Hollywood954, hotjudoka, hotkickboxer, hotprofanmuscle, hunk71fi, jack555, jake12345, jake325, jamieevans, jan44, Jarda, jason, JasonFL, JiminQueens2, jobber1957, jobbercombatif, jockl, John A, johnno, johnny, joman74, judo, judofun74, Judoka WA, judoraufer, kensean, Kent, KS58210, LA Bull Wrestler, ladron fr, Lamia, lancsguy, launce, Lawrence, Lbwrestler, leanonme, leatherhound, LeatherWrestlerUS, leicgp, lifter78, Liftmaniac, Lincoln Lad, litewt78, Lkn4awrestletoy, Londongrappleguy, londonlad80, Lovestrength, Ltsfght, ltwtveteran, luallavi, luchador15, Ludwig, lutador, lutteausol, luttecatch3, Lutteur79, lutteurardent, MacGrappler, madridwrestler, maeCR1, Manc21, manchesterwrestler, manngegenmann, manuel76, MARC94, markec1, marks, martialartslad2013, Marty Magnum, Masked Speedo Lad, Mask-MI, matmanuk, matslam, Matt73, MattMahn, matt nbg, Maurice12, MAwrestler, Max, Maximus, MCRLON30UK, mectlse, mhnks2004, Miamibrit, Miamigrappler, Middlegaguy, milll36, mipiacelalotta, MisterLegs, Mixedboxing1983, Mixedfights, MlkshkFan, Mr KO, MTLwrestler1967, Mufasta, musc2000, musclechris80, muscledfighter, musclepunch, musicmixer, muslsqueezed, mziv, naokijudo, Nature boy, NChi01, neck428, New2this, next door wrestling, NHB, NickZ, niki-hh, niwrestler, NJFTR, NJmatman, NJMusclebud, nola roller, Norwayman, NWJobber84, nycyberfighter, oc wrestler, Ohiomatman, OHjobber, olli1994, omr24, oneatatime, Orlandoscissors, Orthobull, osakarob, OTS XL, ottawajock, ozboxer, oziwrestler, pacho, PacNWBulldog, painauthority, paradigm shift, passivemuscle, passndomnj, PatBoxer, patlutte, pavid, pdxphil, Peter wak1, phemt, philip1, PHLBoxer, PippoGe, playwrestle, polyethylene33, poseidonwrestler, ppocthey, PSSam, pulsar 79, radryan43, raufer1234, realthing, redlandguy, Reilly, resl4top, RetiredAF, reyntime, Ricardo50, Richa, ricky 1, Ridge, RingerHH1, ringer-mainz, rio, ritchy england, rob99, Robbert, robbiecp, ROBOCOP, Roughmatch, RoughNeck, roundhay, RSl, ruinurabs, rumbletumbleUK, Rusnak, SammyUSA, sbpfan, schabernacken, scissorholdme, Scissorvictim, Scot Grappler, Scotsjay, Scottish Red, scubawrestler, Scunlad1, SFFight, sgregorson, shuttlexp, skinnystan, skiwrestler, skrapper, slamitdown, sleeper wrestler, smother, sousou, southernguy, SparklePlenty, sparkytbg, speedorassler, speedos, SQUEEZEPLAY, SSHET76, st7, steelmann, steve50a, steve fleming, stlfights, STLsubpro, STREAKOFBACON, Streetfighter30, StreetFighter4U, Stripey2001, strongerthanyou, stubbboy, stuttgart grappling, SubmissionMan500, SucheGegner, suig, superfighter, Superfly, surfboard, svenmarc, synxiec, Syrwrestler, Tanin79, tankuk, tansko, tassos1, tateshiho, terminalpunch, terry, The Darknight, thenordby, Tiger, Tigerrific, tna fan, tokugawa, tomafr, TONYO75, topper, tough gut, Tower79, Tristan98765, TS NHB, tuffwrstl0, ukgrappler, ukpitbull, Username, viavoice fr, videoboyuk, vince 39, walterfighter, warrior007, welshdragon, WillLondon, wolf, wolveswrestler, wrassler123, wrestle bomb, wrestlecubcleve, wrestled, wrestledave, wrestle dc, wrestleforfun, WrestleFun13, wrestlekid193, wrestlemat2001, WrestleMeDude, wrestlemick, wrestler60610, Wrestlerfun, wrestlermars, wrestlernys, WrestleSweat0077, wrestlewanted, wrestling82, wrestling coach, wrestlingspeedos, wrestlinstudd, wrestlruff, WWECmPunkRockFan, Ynotwrestler, you hard enough, Zeus, zwirnie)
- Allow offers of commercial activity in profile text. (200개의 투표: akboitoy, Akrob, Alex Martini, ansky, antcarvalho, anton2411, ArmwrestleAndMore, Astatine, athens123, axxo007, babyabe, BadBoy, Bailey147, barrieuk, beachedboy, BearTamer, Bennyfighter, billy, blackburn lad, BLKMUSCLES, Boston Tap, Boxingmarco, brightonguy, brilliant n buff, BRITANNICUS, bulldogkv, casalutte, cgnfighter, chazzlovesboxing, chicagoburbswrestler, chuck29205, chuckie333, coedyuk, colmar, Col Rich, cyberjobber, cyberwrestler21, daniellibra1986, danielmueller, darkwin369, davey123, David, Denver1, dfeetffm, dimitrisdiogenis, eGambler, Elan1, enthusiast, feelssostudent, ferdybear, fghter, fighterff, Fighter Gary, FlevoHans, flexiblesub, Forester, fptmffldaos, Freenote, fun missouri guy, funraufer, gábor, Gamer, Geoslam, glad42, glaliot, guigui01, gutpunchbln, gymgeordie, GymGladiator, hakancem, HardfightFfm, HardWorkerBL, HDScissorFan, highscreener, Hslut75, Hyede, ikf, IKneadFighters, ImtiazAli, Ironbull, Iwreslinca, Jake, JayXMuscle, JBoy92, jobberdash, judoantwerpen, KämpferLPZ, kickboxer2014, Kickboxer88Zh, leelondon, leeray, LondonHeel, london sub, longlines8, lotta t, lumanis, lutteur31, maddwrestler, manuy27, manuz, marcus, marko75, marphy, matpowers617, maw1667, mcic, MCRLON30UK, MDsport, mickey jw, midblue, mikemat123, mikey3458, Mik nwuk, Mirceal, MTFBN, musc1961, MuscChamp, MuscleBond, newlondonwrestler, njwrstlr, Noby, NorthernWrestler, nottsman, nwfan53, nycgtpnch7, NYWrestler1985, Omar23, outdoorfighter, Pancrace92, pepperoncino, Peteuk, playfulwrestler, prosubsladuk, PunchFun, Raufbold1976, raufenhh, Raufmaniac76, RedShadow, redstarbear, Reefhook, Reilly, reno695, RickWrestlerFL, Riviera Wrestle, RNC81, rock20087, rocko, Rudge, Ruffbear7, Rukh, Ryno, sandrive, sbplooser, sbp RJ, schoolboypinmixxt, scrasher, silverbear, smeikle, Smeshy, sockvid, sparkie, SpeedoFun, STEELMUSCLEGOD, Stief, stlmuscledad, stormenregen, sublondonsw4, submissiongames, superal, swell, Talldavidla, The Kestrel, throwdownsg, tinytough, tna fan, touchHD, Toughwrestler, training and fight, tucxmil, tupsi, UKAndy99, u-max, upstatenyprowrestler, ursamajor, Uzak2014, vaxrte, v vv v, Wf310, WildcatLes, wildcub70, WrestleForFun NL, wrestleindo, wrestle me, wrestler2000, wrestlercgn, wrestlesweat, wrestlingcub, wrestlron, wrestman, wrestme)
- Allow offers of commercial activity in blogs and forums. (196개의 투표: 4fun, AbhijeetSingh, Alkane, Anfänger, anton2411, Astatine, ausjock28, ayrshirewrestle, BadBoy, BAWrestler, Bearhug KO, bearwrestler69, bhug3996, BigFootRJ, Blaze Bradley, Bomber, BoxerBoy, BoxerCoachinmd, boxingfan21, Boxnmech, braintreejack, brazilwrestler86, Cali25, carioca fighter, Celticmuscle, chazzlovesboxing, chicagoburbswrestler, Chris4prosubs, chuck29205, chuckie333, clamp, Coldice, Col Rich, combat ludique, CotswoldsFighter, cyberjobber, cyberwrestler21, daniellibra1986, DavidSE14, dfeetffm, dimitrisdiogenis, DKnight, duel action, eGambler, Elemental, fghter, fighterff, Fighter Gary, fightparis, fireball, Fitman40, FitnessLast, flexiblesub, Flightbook, Forester, francknord59, Freenote, funfight71, Gamer, gamergp, gardenboy, Geoslam, gj be, glad42, glaliot, greendude2002, guigui01, gutpunchbln, guy321, Guysmiley, hairybrussels, hakancem, heeljobb83, henk1966, highflyeral, Hslut75, IKneadFighters, ImtiazAli, Ironbull, Islandmusc, Iwreslinca, JACARE, Jake, jason080, jaydee, JayPuncher, JBoy92, Jdawgoh, jobberdash, johnwhy, joman74, jset, judoantwerpen, justsee, Kamikaze, KämpferLPZ, kill-switch, koxy, Lambtonguy, Lederringer, leeray, leondex, lewy paradise, LondonHeel, londonq, LuchadorenCali, lumanis, lusowrestler, LutadorJPA, lutteur31, manunderstorm, marconi, marcus, matman, mcic, MDsport, midblue, musc1961, MuscleBond, n2rassle, newlondonwrestler, next door wrestling, niko06laus, njwrstlr, Noby, nwfan53, nycbrawl, nycgtpnch7, NYerhere, NYWrestler1985, oldscrapperderby, Ottawajp, ouo ouo, Pancrace92, Phillip, phillutte, prosubsladuk, Raufmaniac76, Reefhook, Reilly, rguts, rock20087, Ruffbear7, RuffFightChallenge, RuffStuff, Rukh, sbplooser, sbp RJ, schoolboypinmixxt, SeattleFight, SecretBoy, Sherbrooke, Slam me, slvrsqrl, sockvid, SpeedoFun, STEELMUSCLEGOD, Stief, stormenregen, sublondonsw4, suig, superal, SurreyGuy, swell, Talldavidla, The Kestrel, throwdownsg, tinytough, tizerlad, tna fan, Tom 049, touchHD, tryharder, TryThis, TxWrestle, Tyger, UKAndy99, u-max, upstatenyprowrestler, uwillgive, Uzak2014, vaxrte, Versus, v vv v, walrus, Wiesel 65xxx, WildcatLes, wildcub70, wrestleindo, wrestle me, wrestler2000, wrestlethecoach, wrestlingcub, wrestme, wrstnl, youngwannd)
- Allow offers of commercial activity in private messages. (225개의 투표: AbhijeetSingh, Ajax, akboitoy, Akrob, Andy Bluebear, ansky, arabianhunk, ArmwrestleAndMore, B3Wrestle, batman, beachedboy, BearhugAddict, Bennyfighter, Bigboy5604, BigChris, BigFootRJ, blackburn lad, Black Titan, Blaze Bradley, blnfighter, Boston Tap, BoxerBoy, Boxnmech, bulldogkv, chameleon, ChaseAddams92, chicagoburbswrestler, chuck29205, chuckie333, coedyuk, Col Rich, curiousinhh, cyberwrestler21, Dakota Skye, danielmueller, dantheman777, Davey716, DavidSE14, Denver1, dimitrisdiogenis, dobbobruv, DomSquashMatch, eGambler, enthusiast, fightsoldier, fireball, fishandchips, Fitfighter, Fitman40, flexiblesub, flexiwrestler, Freenote, fun missouri guy, Gamer, Gary53, glaliot, gr8sportpa, greendude2002, greg1969, gutpunch, GutPunchBear, gutpunchbln, gutpuncheedan, gymgeordie, GymGladiator, hairybrussels, hakancem, hardabs1, Hardmatch, hardpunch, HardWorkerBL, HDScissorFan, headlockmehard, hephaestion2014, highscreener, hobbitbear, Hobbyfighter, ikf, IKneadFighters, ImtiazAli, IndyWarrior, Ironbull, Iwreslinca, jackthebear, Jake, JanRingfanHH, JayXMuscle, jcdf, jeffjcao, jobberdash, jset, judoantwerpen, KämpferLPZ, khalid, lancs77, Ldnruggerlad, leelondon, leeray, leicswrestle, Littlepitbull 14, little Tony, LondonHeel, lookingver, lou, LukasHuber, lusowrestler, lutteur31, maddwrestler, marconi, marphy, maskedheel, mcic, MCOfighter, MDsport, mikemat123, mikey3458, Mik nwuk, MMTwister, mtwrestler, munichsubfight, musc1961, MuscChamp, MuscleBond, muscledhunk, muscledwrestler, musclepunch, musicmixer, n2rassle, newlondonwrestler, njwrstlr, NorthernWrestler, nwfan53, nycgtpnch7, NYWrestler1985, ohwrestler171, oldscrapperderby, Omar23, Ottawajp, ouo ouo, Pandathug, pepperoncino, Phillip, PhillyDevil, Physical, prosubsladuk, PunchBag28, PunchFun, PunchMyGut, Quicksilver, RassleBrawl, RasslerFTL, raufenhh, Raufmaniac76, rberto89a, Reefhook, Reilly, reno695, RickWrestlerFL, Ringerfreund24, Riviera Wrestle, roal4151, rock20087, Ruffbear7, Ruhrpottfighter, Rukh, Ryno, Safari 6969, sandrive, sbplooser, sbp RJ, schoolboypinmixxt, Scots KO, scottimike, scrasher, sczrlokd, SeattleFight, Shadow Knight, shadowwrestler, Sherbrooke, silverbear, Slam me, Slugfest, slvrsqrl, southernguy, SpeedoFun, STEELMUSCLEGOD, stlmuscledad, stormenregen, sublondonsw4, superal, SurreyGuy, tailcut, TechnicalMachine, The Kestrel, throwdownsg, tinytough, tna fan, Torrnado, toughmatch, Toughwrestler, tryharder, Txwresl, TxWrestle, Tyger, UKAndy99, ukrassler, V AFighter, walrus, wildwooly, Wlaendure, wolfmad, WrestleForFun NL, wrestle fun, wrestleindo, wrestle jock42, wrestleman, wrestler2000, wrestler5465, wrestlercgn, WrestlerLondon1980, Wrestling Beast, wrestlingcub, WrestlingGR, wrestlron, wrestme)
- Keep the "Classifieds" forum for the trade of small personal items. (328개의 투표: 1try2pinme8, 4fun, a2bill, aarnav, AbhijeetSingh, AbsBoy, absok, adidaswrestling, Admin, Ajax, AJtheWrestler, Amidwestwrestler, andreawrestling, andrewj, ansky, apollon, aquila, ArmwrestleAndMore, Astatine, ausjock28, aussie titan II, AyeAye, B3Wrestle, BadBoy, Bailey147, battlefox, BBR, beachedboy, BearhugAddict, Belligerent, Berlin, bhug3996, BigBikerStache, BigFootRJ, BigRilesKS, blackwrestleruk, BLKMUSCLES, blnfighter, boblutte, bogeyedmonk, Bomber, Boricua Wrestler, BoxerCoachinmd, BOXERMAN, Boxingmarco, boxtpntx, bradleyj, BrawlerNV, brazilwrestler86, brilliant n buff, Bristol Wrestle, bulldogkv, Butchnelson, cambridgeuk, carioca fighter, Cdncplfight, chameleon, ChiBox, chicagoburbswrestler, chigrapple, chub, chuck29205, coedyuk, colinfighter, curiousinhh, cyberwrestler21, Dakota Skye, daniellibra1986, DavidSE14, DCJobber, dcur, deanjones, dfeetffm, dimitrisdiogenis, DKnight, dobbobruv, DomWrstlrUK, donegalsubwrestler, dragonuk, duel action, dundun, easygoinggrapple, Elemental, enthusiast, etrekker, feelssostudent, fighterff, fightfan68, fightguy, fightmuscle, FightNut, fightsoldier, fireball, fishandchips, fitspeedo, FlevoHans, flexiwrestler, Flwresler, Forester, Freenote, Freindlywrystler, FresLuchador, funfight71, Geoslam, gj be, glad42, gordonbelly, greed, gutpunchbln, Gutstrike, guy321, guyaskinforit, Guysmiley, gymgeordie, hardfitsub, Hardmatch, hdscissorztn, heeljobb83, hephaestion2014, herovsvillain, Hertsteve, Hslut75, Hyede, IKneadFighters, ilovetowreslte, IndyWarrior, Interactive, Ironbull, israeli hye, Jake, JanRingfanHH, jason080, JayPuncher, JayXMuscle, Jeremy09, JJ Sparks, jobber1957, jobberdash, johnny, johnwhy, jonnie35, jset, justsee, Kent, krak85, la1984guy, Lancs guy, Ldnruggerlad, legflexxxer, LF Fighter Bloke, Littlepitbull 14, little Tony, LondonHeel, londonq, london sub, ltwtveteran, luchadorargento, lusowrestler, LutadorJPA, lutteur31, madridwrestler, Manc21, manchesterwrestler, manuy27, marcus, marphy, Marylands Best, masculinewrestler, matpowers617, MCOfighter, Merida, mickey jw, mikemat123, Mirceal, MisterLegs, msclhard, mtwrestler, MudWrestler, musc1961, musc2000, muscldfighter, MuscleBond, muscledwrestler, musclehunk, n2rassle, neogrunt, newdawn2007, newlondonwrestler, niko06laus, NJFTR, njwrstlr, northbound, NorthernWrestler, NYerhere, nytribeca, NYWrestler1985, OHjobber, Omar23, Orlandoscissors, Orthobull, Ottawajp, ouo ouo, outdoorfighter, oziwrestler, Pancrace92, paradigm shift, pepperoncino, philip1, Physical, playfulwrestler, PrimalPuma, Princesse Ludwyna, prooil69, prosubsladuk, Protheus, PunchFun, Quicksilver, RasslerFTL, raufenhh, rberto89a, RED DADDY, redlandguy, RedShadow, Reefhook, Ridge, Ringerfreund24, ritchy england, roal4151, Roborobinson, rock20087, Rudge, Ruffbear7, RuffFightChallenge, RuffStuff, Rugby guy, Rusnak, Ryno, Safari 6969, Sambobear, Sambofrance, sandmboxer, sbplooser, sbp RJ, Scot Grappler, scottimike, scrasher, sczrlokd, SeattleFight, SecretBoy, Seddo29, Shadow Knight, shadowwrestler, silverbear, skinnystan, Slam me, Slugger, smlgrappler, sockvid, sparkie, SparrLad, SpeedoFun, STEELMUSCLEGOD, Stief, stlmuscledad, stormenregen, stubbboy, sunboy, superltweight, SurreyGuy, synxiec, Talldavidla, TechnicalMachine, Tetraites, Thredbare, TigerWizard, tinytough, tkdfeet, tna fan, TNbud, tomsgut, tote, touchHD, tough gut, toughmatch, treag25, tryharder, TTG87auro, tucxmil, Tyger, UKAndy99, ukrassler, UKSubsFighter, unngghh, Username, usmcwrestler, Uzak2014, V AFighter, vaxrte, ViennaFighter, v vv v, walrus, Want2fight, waroscar, westox, Wf310, WildcatLes, wildcub70, Wlaendure, worstelen, wresadam, wrestle73, WrestleAddict, wrestle fun, wrestle jock42, wrestleman, wrestler ca, WrestlerLondon1980, WrestlerUK, wrestlesweat, wrestlewanted, wrestling82, wrestlron, wrestman, wrsl247, wrstlng only, wrstnl, yoinvito, youngwannd)
- Allow companies to register and promote their products on the site. (157개의 투표: 19Andy88, aarnav, AdepteduBetmatch, amdg, andreawrestling, Anfänger, antcarvalho, ArmwrestleAndMore, athens123, babyabe, backbreakers123, Bailey147, bardobrat, BAWrestler, bearwrestler69, BeatenPAProJobber, bhug3996, BigFootRJ, BigRilesKS, blackburn lad, Blaze Bradley, BLKMUSCLES, boblutte, BoxerBoy, BoxerCoachinmd, Brad1, brazilwrestler86, BRITANNICUS, calwrestler, chicagoburbswrestler, CompetitorBCN, curiousinhh, cyberjobber, cyberwrestler21, danielmueller, dantheman777, DCSoBeWrestler, dfeetffm, DKnight, ed516, ferdybear, fghtruff, fighterff, fighterhenk, fightfan68, fightmuscle, FitnessLast, Flightbook, Flwresler, francknord59, Frenchfighter2, Geoslam, glad42, goingtobust, golferX, gotwrestler, grapplerguy, greatcow95, greendude2002, gutpunch, gutpunchbln, guy321, hakancem, Harry, henk1966, herovsvillain, highflyeral, hotprofanmuscle, huge fighting man, ImtiazAli, Islandmusc, jackthebear, jamieevans, JanRingfanHH, jobberdash, JoeyJS, judoantwerpen, justsee, jwbjj, Kickboxer88Zh, kickpower, kommaarop, la1984guy, Lederringer, Leorio, Leorj, LondonHeel, ltwtveteran, LutadorJPA, luterotic, Lv2wrestle, malefight, ManhattanMaulers, marks, Mars1978, Marylands Best, maw1667, MCOfighter, MDsport, moonraker1973, msclhard, MudWrestler, musc1961, muscldfighter, MuscPecPunch, Newwb, nola roller, NorthernWrestler, nrboxing, nwuk, NW UK WRESTLER, nwuk wrestler1, NYerhere, phillutte, playfulwrestler, Prostylefan, RED DADDY, Reilly, reslograppler, RetiredAF, ricantarzan, rock20087, Rowdy Submission, Shadow Knight, Sherbrooke, skinnystan, Smeshy, smlgrappler, STEELMUSCLEGOD, stlmuscledad, superal, swell, swiss-boy83, Thredbare, tna fan, Tom 049, touchHD, trent1978, tucxmil, Tyger, UKAndy99, uk submission jobber, uk wrestler slam, u-max, upstatenyprowrestler, waterrescue, Wf310, wildcub70, workovertheguy, wrestleindo, wrestlemax, wrestle me, Wrestler Berlin, WrestlerLondon1980, wrestling82, WrestlingGR, WRSLMSK)
- Allow everything. Capitalism ahoy! (63개의 투표: babyabe, BEARWTLFTR, Bigdave315, bigfootfighter, bob76, boxinboy82, BritNYC, cem, chicagoburbswrestler, Churd, CompetitorBCN, CTwrestler, cyberfighter, cyberwrestler21, danwrestle, dave king, Daz, dgwrestler, flgrappler, gayjudoka055, Golden, GoodBoyMtl, gotwrestler, GrapplerNY, gutpunchbln, gutpuncheedan, Headscissor Dude, highflyeral, horti, HotJakeyyy, Indomable, jack wilson, jobberdash, K-Extreme, mikangelo, musc1961, navels, njrassler, NorthBayGuy1992, OrlJockwrestler, OVERunder, Pedro Cage, ProfileName1, ReadingFight, Ringmuscle, rob21uk, Rochdale slugger, RojoLion, SpeedoPin, StarkerJunge123, STLsubpro, stronghold13, tna fan, uk submission jobber, worstelen, wrestler2015, WrestlerBR, wrestling game, Wrestling legend, wrestlingmicha, yorkshireboxer, youngwrestler, zeder)
New Site Engine
- Admin
- 2014-05-03
- 0
Dear Fighters,
I am happy to announce that the new site engine is now live, and seems to be functioning OK.
I would like to thank everyone who participated in the beta testing for more than 10 minutes. Still, some bugs surely remain, and I am fixing them as they are reported. The good news is that the new engine has a lot of new features:
- Tracker/2014-02-09: "Searching the database." Going back in the browser history to the search result list will not clear the list.
- Tracker/2014-01-13: Recommendations are prettier, looking like speech bubbles. This makes it clearer who is recommending whom (or not).
- Tracker/2013-07-22 2: Profiles are limited to 10 photos (20 for donating members). This helps profiles load faster and saves bandwidth for mobile users. Nothing of value is lost: photos over the limit simply spill over to the gallery, only one click away.
- Tracker/2013-04-10: "Abuse flags should be more clear about their direction". Recommendations are now color coded for your convenience. (Apologies to the colorblind.)
- Tracker/2013-04-08 2: "Meetings don't move in calendar". The meeting feature received a few bugfixes and will hopefully be easier to use.
- Tracker/2013-01-01 4: It is now possible to attach multiple photos to a message. You can upload them or select them from your uploaded photos.
- Tracker/2012-12-09: The mobile version of the site received a bunch of improvements, including a better layout and menu system.
- Tracker/2012-12-07: Searching is improved in many ways. There is a "simple" search form for quick queries.
- Tracker/2012-10-12 3: "Search for keywords". You can enter a keyword to search for, either using the search field on the top of the page, or going to the search page.
- Easier previews and editing help for profile introductions, comments, blog entries, etc.
- Text formatting rules are a bit easier.
Internally, the code received a lot of cleanup and polish. Hopefully this huge undertaking will help keep the site fresh and useful for everybody.
In unrelated news, it was reported that our friendly rival site, GlobalFight was victim of a rather severe hack. It is recommended to change your password immediately if you are using the same password here as you do on GF.
Happy wrestling,