
관심사 그룹 가입일 12.1 years
나이 56
신장 191 cm
체중 90 kg
성별 남자
성적 성향 동성애자
Looking for 남자
복장 something, trunk briefs or whatever
사용 가능한 언어 영어
마지막 로그인 어제
마지막 업데이트 2021-05-24
  1. 영국, East Suffolk, England

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이전 상대


Ok so it's 2019 and my weight may suddenly appear to have jumped by over a stone. This is not due to a particularly heavy night out or even an attack of honesty. It's mainly due to hard work in the gym, honest. I have 13.2 percent body fat which I'm told is pretty good for an old bloke and although my bucket list desire to have visible abs may have a way to go there is definitely less wobbling if I jump up and down. Now on to the rest -

(2017?) As it must be a year since I updated my profile and since admin have not yet introduced a limit on the number words of waffle I can write here, I feel it is time to pile some more on. Quantity rather than quality is always my mantra.

Firstly, confession time. I have given up smoking (well electric fag aside) - wohoo but as a result my site weight is a little optimistic (i.e. a lie) I haven't weighed myself for a while but I had crept up to 14st 6, however before you clamour to get me banned from the site, i should say I have started going to a gym (I had never heard of them before but apparently you go there to get muscles) so my hope is that by the time I next weigh myself I will be able to say confidently that I am whatever stone of muscle rather than lard.

Also in my defence, I don't need to worry about deceiving anyone as I am living in the wrestling desert known as Lowestoft where unless you visit a Suffolk pig farm there is little chance of getting a roll around.

However it is a lovely place to live and i will make the odd visit back to London if anyone wants to arrange anything and I have arranged a couple of trips to put my new muscle to good use (ok, I may not be arnie after a couple of weeks but I am a much better rower than I used to be)

So if any of you pig farmers out there or holidayers want to drop me a line I haven't retired and I am actually getting younger as proved by the blind checkout assistant in M&S who asked for ID when I tried to buy a bottle of wine. Definitely should have gone to Specsavers.

Its nearly the New Year (2014), so time for a profile update. Short, concise and without extraneous detail. It's my New year resolution.

I have been watching wrestling most of my adult life, my preference being a bit more reality than the typical WWF style play acting although I must say I have no objection to American muscle men in case any are reading. I am old enough to remember World of Sport Wrestling and at its best it was very hot and the start of my fascination (sexual and otherwise) with wrestling.

Having found this site in March and discovered I did have a couple of round things between my legs I decided to have a go and since then I have become a bit of an addict. Having met about forty guys and some more than once, I have averaged at least one, sometimes two meets a week. For those of you who have not yet taken the plunge I should say the vast majority have been great guys and I have had great fun. Only two or three have been slightly odd but then I expect for some people I would fall into the slightly odd category, hopefully the odd quirky category rather than the odd, call the police category. I have met guys from 22 to 62 and from several stones lighter to several stones heavier, lots of these encounters have been purely wrestling, some a bit more. However, I do love wrestling and I keep my hands to myself unless something else has been discussed beforehand (and before anyone contradicts me it is very hard to wrestle without ever touching a nipple)

Wrestling styles have varied depending on opponents, some have been straight submission, which I am getting a bit better at, others more trying out pro holds which I also enjoy. If I have to give myself a label I suppose I prefer being a heel and applying some controlled intense holds but I also enjoy a straightforward struggle as long as I don't feel in danger. Not being a spring chicken I am very conscious of safety and expect my opponent to be the same (ok so in forty odd meets I have accidentally provided a trout pout, knocked someones tender region and fallen on someones leg but that is all the more reason why I am as careful as I can be) I am not into being punched or injured or no holds barred but I do prefer a good struggle to just rolling around.

Over the nine months I have been doing this I have learned a bit, lost a bit of weight (or had till the Christmas splurge,I have not had the nerve to stand on the scales since then) and gained a bit of muscle. I am still no gym bunny or Brad Pitt and I don't expect my opponents to be although I have had the occasional treat when my opponent is jaw droppingly gorgeous (no names, I don't want to embarrass anyone but you can guess from my recommendations) but I generally find a lot of fun can be had with fellow mortals.

In that shallow vein, I am not looking for a date or sex and if sometimes a bit more than wrestling happens that is just a bonus, I do love wrestling. If I do have a kink I have a weakness for a nipple but as I say I can behave myself (stop calling me a liar!)

Finally (I promise) if you do message I will reply and I really appreciate when people have the manners to reply to my messages. No thanks is always better than being ignored.

Guess I need to find a new new years resolution, still there are a couple of days to think of one. Hope you all have a great 2014 and if you want to give me a go, get in touch.




서브미션 서브미션
프로레슬링 프로레슬링
관전 관전

경기 방식: 놀이 레슬링, 기술 연습, 사이버 경기에 관심 없음

기타 관심사: 마사지, 친교

페티쉬: 성교를 원하지 않음, 유두 애무

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