
CesarLuchador is recommended by bullwrestler (9/14/2019)

Fuerte y con buena tecnica...recomendable


IntenseJobber is recommended by trasgoluchador (9/14/2019)

Muy buena experiencia luchando con él. Nos entendimos muy bien,e s educado, usa ropa deportiva y de lucha y tiene buena técnica.
Pese a su menor peso, sus cualidades de lucha son muy buenas, tanto como su actitud. Dio bastante guerra, lo recomiendo para pasar un buen rato y practicar lucha sumisión.

Es muy buen jobber, tiene defensa y aprende rapido. Encantado, espero repetir.


lutteur174 is recommended by Fighterfufu (9/14/2019)

Xavier est très accueillant, a le sens de l'hospitalité.
Il est de très bons conseils pour te faire progresser.
Il donne du fil a retordre.
Les combats avec lui procurent de très bonnes suées.
En dehors des tapis, il est extrêmement gentil
Après les combats procurant de bonnes suées, il fait des massages qui font beaucoup de bien.
Je recommande très fortement.


evilfighter is recommended by ruffcurious (9/14/2019)

evilfighter was the first guy I met from meetfighters. He is a gracious host who knows what he is doing. He's nickname isn't for show and if you're into being tossed around he is your guy. He was mindful of my limits and made me feel safe while testing them. For my first time he was a great introduction. Have a go if you're around his parts.


Prozium95 is recommended by Carlosfit (9/14/2019)

Powerful opponent. He looks very quiet but he is quite strong and can take you to the ground. But got the way to grab him and sit on his face!


Punchbagplz is recommended by alfredolima (9/14/2019)

Quando vi ele achei que sindo mais alto do que eu, iria tener problemas em nossa luta.Mais uma vez lutando pude lograr controlar a sua forca. Ele e um cara forte alem de atletico. Com um pouco mas de treino em grappling pode tentar me vencer o próximo encuentro. Felipe e alias parceiro excepcional, no so pode treinar meu portugues com ele senao tambem conhecer um poco mais da mundo Meetfighters e seus lutadores. Muito obrigado novo amigo.


alfredolima is recommended by Punchbagplz (9/14/2019)

Desde que eu entrei no meetfighters, Alfredo foi uma das pessoas que tive os primeiros contatos. Nunca iria imaginar que eu fosse a cidade de Lima para lutar. E esse dia chegou. Alfredo tem um corpo de lutador. Forte e experiente, tivemos uma luta interessante, pois somos do mesmo peso. Começamos com submissão, e que levou a melhor foi o Alfredo ela experiencia em judo (faixa azul). Sem sobra de dúvida, Alfredo é um oponente recomendável a todos do meetfighters.


Carlosfit is recommended by Prozium95 (9/14/2019)

Carlos was fun to wrestle with and super attractive. We have wrestled twice now and would meet up again anytime.


Sparringbuddy is recommended by LanceFighter (9/14/2019)

Sparringbuddy is an excellent host. He's nice, friendly, and keeps you at ease.

As an opponent, he is calm, calculating, strong, and techincal. I was practically toyed throughout out our matches with hardly any effort from his side!

Hot, breathless, and fantastic session. Exhausted and sore after but happy that way. Hehe.

Thanks for the hosting and tips! Next time, Sparringbuddy!


wrestleguy123 is recommended by Bigdaddy (9/14/2019)

wrestleguy123 is a good looking tall strapping muscle stud. strong and fun to wrestle. great host, we went at it a good 3.5 hrs off and on. Looking forward to many more matches with this hot muscleboy.
