
AJtheWrestler is recommended by Pandathug (9/02/2019)

AJ and I have been chatting for a long time. I finally found the time to make it down to Palm Springs to take him on. Great guy. Very friendly. Extremely strong. Very fun match. Awesome conversation afterwards also. I can't wait for the rematch. If you ever get a chance to roll with him, take it.

9/1/2019: Finally had my rematch. Had a 3 man wrestling session with AJ and Nightwolf. Had a great time. It was at the end of a long day for all of us, so we kept the intensity at half. It was more of a hold trading match than a competitive one. It was still awesome. AJ and Nightwolf went at it first. Then I joined in for a 3 man wrestling match. Afterwards, me and AJ had our round 2. He’s just how I remember him from our first match. Strong as hell. Handsome. Just a great guy to roll with. The 3 of us had a really good conversation after our 3 way bro battle. Looking forward to doing it again sometime. I can’t recommend AJ enough. He’s one of my favorite opponents. Don’t hesitate to take this stud on if you get the chance.


libero139 is recommended by Samar (9/02/2019)

Libero139 es un experto y excelente luchador con el que uno se lo pasa muy bien.

Desde el minuto cero se nota su pasado y experiencia como judoka. Ha utilizado sus conocimientos y fortalezas para dominarme fácilmente sin darme ninguna oportunidad. Pero como es como es, una vez dominado y sometido te muestra su cara más amable y sonriente … llegados ahí, solo queda relajarse y gozar porque para que vas a hacer otra cosa en esas circunstancias tan adversas ¿no? … y además aprendes porque es un buen y didáctico instructor.

Sus masajes merecen capítulo aparte… tras una intensa y sudorosa sesión de lucha te dejan como nuevo y te trasladan a otra dimensión "espiritual", ¡una autentica gozada!

Habra que volver a quedar para que vea como sus enseñanzas no caen en saco roto ...

Mi más alta recomendación para este fuerte, simpático y atractivo luchador.


Jow is recommended by moumou21 (9/02/2019)

Après de long échanges la rencontre à eu lieu enfin jow ai un bon pédagogue et merci pour les quelques actuce aprise que je mettrai en pratique et un grand merci pour ton accueil et ta gentillesse. J esper bien avoir occasion de te revoir pour un bon petit match de lutte.


moumou21 is recommended by Jow (9/02/2019)

Garçon très sympathique et très volontaire pour progresser.
Il a de la force dans les bras et quand il s'agrippe, c'est très dur de se dégager ( presque un défi ! ).


Roll23 is recommended by nikeWr3stlr (9/02/2019)

Would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit nervous wrestling Roll23 after reading his profile and hearing about some of his BJJ experience. But when you want a tough, sweaty match... lock up with this guy. He’s built like a tank, tough, has moves and ready to take what comes his way. A great challenge to wrestle, fun to submit 😝, and a super friendly dude. He’s quite a challenged, and should rank high on anyone’s list to wrestle. I’m already ready for round 2... 3... and more... 💪💪


HicksT is recommended by Flbud57 (9/02/2019)

I had a fun sweaty time wrestling around with this Irish lad. He's a friendly guy, fit and reliable. Would definitely be up for Round 2!


Andrea Fighter is recommended by greenman (9/02/2019)

Andrea è un lottatore tenace e resistente. E' stato un incontro intenso, in cui abbiamo calibrato le forze nonostante la differenza di stazza. Persona in gamba e alla mano, è stato un piacere incontrarlo sul ring. Lo consiglio a tutti, e gli do appuntamento per un nuovo match! Grazie


jiminmaine is recommended by michaelwood (9/02/2019)

Want to thank Jim for taking the time to meet me while in Phoenix. Really enjoyed wrestling this strong, solid, skilled man. Not only did we have a good match, enjoyed chatting and getting to know him. You are welcome here anytime, would love a rematch!


NYleanmuscle is recommended by vicj81 (9/02/2019)

Had a great time with this stud! Knowledgeable, strong, enduring. Needed a roll like this for awhile! Great guy to have around for sure!


Lean PWR HSE is recommended by Opechan (9/02/2019)

Had a good time wrestling with slmguy. Nice guy and a strong dude. Would meet up with him again if our paths crossed.
