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sicwre88 is recommended by lottatore barbuto (9/15/2020)

Corpo davvero allenato e muscoloso , forza e tecnica . Ho dovuto utilizzare la differenza di peso per tenerlo a bada e non soccombere alla sua tecnica. Ragazzo piacevole ed educato assolutamente da ripetere


patlutte is recommended by Cavalier 89 (9/15/2020)

Un bon moment de lutte avec patlutte .
Ah une prochaine fois .


lutteurcatcheur is recommended by Cavalier 89 (9/15/2020)

J'ai passé un bon moment de lutte... avec lutteurcatcheur .
A refaire des que possible


AD idf is recommended by Cavalier 89 (9/15/2020)

J'ai eu la chance et le bonheur d'avoir rencontrer AD idf , une personne formidable.
J'ai passer un excellent moment avec lui sur les tapis comme en dehors.
Il ma appri quelques techniques de lutte.
Hautement recommandé.
Je te remercie beaucoup de ton accueil et de t'être occuper de moi .


Hanjo is recommended by Augustin74 (9/15/2020)

Was für ein Erlebnis mit diesem sympathischen und charismatischen Kerl aus Großenkneten!
Ob es vielleicht auch noch andere Gründe dafür gab oder einfach nur der Tatsache geschuldet ist, dass Hanjo ein super Gastgeber ist: Er blieb seit den frühen Morgenstunden wach, sodass wir uns nach einem sehr herzlichen Willkommen und seinem speziellen Frühstück für mich unter den gleichen Voraussetzungen auf seinen Matten gegenüber standen. Aus allen für uns möglichen Kampfstilen haben wir dann neben Sternchen und einem Knall auch Fun, Fight und selbst einen Fun-Fight auf die Matte gebracht (und das nicht unbedingt in der beschriebenen Reihenfolge…).
Hanjo weiß sich allerdings eben nicht nur in Abwehrpositionen richtig gut behaupten, sondern war auch maßgeblich daran beteiligt, unsere Körper in so manche Position zu bringen, die eines Bildes zweier ineinander verkeilten Ringer absolut würdig gewesen wären. Er beobachtet und geht auf den Gegner ein (und das in mehr als einer Hinsicht), nutzt beim Fight gekonnt seinen Kopf und auch den kompletten Körper, wobei er dabei allerdings nie das Ganze aus den Augen verliert. Super!
Wer also auf der Matte einen sportlichen oder auch verspielten Fight sucht, einen stattlichen, kräftigen und doch umsichtigen Ringer treffen möchte, der einem eben auch neben seiner super Kampffläche(!) den Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich gestalten will und einfach auf eine tolle Zeit mit Dir aus ist, der sollte ein Treffen mit Hanjo unter keinen Umständen versäumen!!!
Von meiner Seite her kann und werde ich Hanjo nur uneingeschränkt empfehlen!


submuscle is recommended by MajesticSleeper (9/15/2020)

Had one of the greatest submission matches with Submuscle. He is a very nice, genuine and easy going gentleman, who is also polite and patient with me on the mats. It was easy to arrange the match with him.

On the mats, however, he is a supra-beast wrestler, who are super strong, tough, flexible and agile. He knows his moves and what he is doing. I have to admit that I am completely/totally beaten up by him. His moves and holds are powerful and it is hard not to give him a tap on each one of them. Also, he is respectful and he does concern about your safety during the match. Cannot forget to mention that his body is ripped and super fit. Throughout the match, he totally made it very enjoyable (and hot as well ;P).

Of the mats, he is a knowledge wise man and very fun to talk to. Listening to his life experiences and his journeys on this planet really inspires me to live my life!

I definitely and highly highly recommend Submuscle to anyone who are looking for a good, enjoyable submission match. DON'T miss your chance!

I promise I will train more and harder, and hopefully, I can beat you up one day :P! Until next time.


mwalker3 is recommended by KibaInu (9/15/2020)

mwalker3 was really nice to meet. He was easy to message and was happy to arrange the mat room for us. He's a strong guy and the weight difference was pretty fun. I felt safe at all times and limits were respected.

I had a great time wrestling and also enjoyed talking with him in between.


jpw is recommended by Bradley1 (9/15/2020)

Woo hoo! We got finally meet up again! What a champ!

Love is enthusiasm for wrestling and love him in his tight wrestling singlet too! Xx

Top Tip! Watch out for his hard aggressive massive thighs. You don’t want to be caught between them...... or do you!!! :)

Amazing Bloke.

What an amazing guy. We wrestled only for about 10 minutes before I got a cut on my foot so had to end the match sadly.

You have to watch this guy as he pinned me twice with his huge strong legs. His scissor is crushing!

Will definitely meet again. Ask home to wear his new speedos! They look hot on him too!!


KibaInu is recommended by mwalker3 (9/15/2020)

Kibalnu was a great new opponent to have a match with. He is a really friendly guy on and off the mats. Despite being a self proclaimed jobber, he knows some good holds and he managed to pin me down on several occasions. I highly recommend you meet this friendly guy for a match as you will not be disappointed. Hopefully we can meet again soon.


kckboxer is recommended by Txwresl (9/14/2020)

Very nice guy, we wrestled years ago. Great match. He is well built and a good wrestler and we had a great time. I believe he was doing some videos at the time and I remember feeling lucky that he would wrestle me. High recommendation based on our meeting.
