edscissors's blog
This is a good site
Meetfighters and its excellent Admin - by and large, a superb site.
A glance at recent blog entries shows that most people here are serious and responsible. We are bewildered and alarmed about how we can safely pursue a passionate interest under current circumstances ... but we are almost invariably supportive and encouraging of fellow MF members at this difficult, odd time. I think this is typical of our site, of our community. And yes, I've always felt since I joined MF that we are a mutually supportive and commendably tolerant community.
In my first sentence, I said "by and large". A former MF member, now (it seems) no longer a member, vilified us all for not wanting to go and punch him. Another current blog entry addresses (once again! I've blogged about the same topic!) the rudeness of no-response ... blocking ...
But I really believe that most people on our wonderful site are inherently polite and show tolerance, understanding, care, concern, a mature and responsible attitude, even love as we all attempt to work out new, safe ways of living. It is inspiring.
ChiFight (6)
2020-04-21 오후 7:52Agreed. The problem in all these cases is narcissism and entitlement. These guys think because they are turned on by something or see some pictures they like, that means they are entitled to "get something" from complete strangers who often times aren't even interested in the same things.
If they can't find people to talk to or meet with them, that says more about them than the site or other members.
boston kid (75)
2020-04-21 오후 2:30I agree entirely. Thank you for putting it so clearly. I feel very lucky to have this site. I’ve made several friends here and certainly have had a huge amount of pleasure from both virtual and physical encounters.
Thank you all