

관심사 그룹 가입일 12.6 years
나이 40
신장 178 cm
체중 88 kg
성별 남자
성적 성향 동성애자
Looking for 남자
복장 singlets, sunga, speedos, compression shorts, neoprene, gi
마지막 로그인 오늘
마지막 업데이트 2025-02-13
  1. 미국 - Washington, Tacoma
    These dates are a rough estimate
  2. 미국 - Washington D.C., Washington
    (2025-05-29부터 2025-06-02까지 여기에 있을 예정입니다.)
    Here for World Pride Capital Cup
  3. 캐나다 - Ontario, Toronto
    (2025-07-23부터 2025-07-28까지 여기에 있을 예정입니다.)
    Here for Wrestlefest
  4. 미국 - New York, Manhattan
    (2025-02-13부터 2025-02-18까지 여기에 있을 예정입니다.)
    Here for Wrestlefest

30 마일만큼 이동할 의향이 있습니다.
장소를 제공할 의향이 있습니다. (숙식 제공)


  1. WRESTLEFEST TORONTO-CANADA 2025 2025-07-24 캐나다 - Ontario, The Lair, 240, Parliament Street, Regent Park, Toronto Centre, Toronto, Golden Horseshoe, Ontario, M5A 3N6, Canada Canada - Ontario

이전 상대



Before I begin, I'm direct & expect others to be too. I'm not going to respond to messages w/o a clear purpose. If I want to see your nudes I will ask. Opening with trash talk is off putting.

Upcoming events notice: I am planning on attending both the Sin City Classic and Wrestlefest NYC and as such I have gone through A LOT of profiles and reached out to those who most interested me. If I didn't reach out to you it could have been that my eyes were tired from reading profiles by the time I got to you, you didn't write much of a profile, or I wasn't interested. Feel free to reach out anyway if you think we'd be a good match and I'll reconsider if I have time slots available. Please be kind if I say no, there are over 300 people going to wrestlefest, there is no way I can wrestle everyone and I'm going to have to prioritize those I'm most interested in. Due to a recent asshole let me remind you: no one is ever obligated to roll with you, I try to be cordial and polite but if I have to say no 3 times to you the third one will probably not be polite.

I've returned to the mats after 2 years due to a knee injury so I'm rusty but evidence shows I'm still a BJJ bluebelt. Most of my rolls are competitive but I do enjoy dominating and I do love being dominated by someone with decent technique. I love wrestling as a sport, sexy wrestling only happens if we're not at all competitive. My style is submission (click the website button to go to my youtube channel) but I want to learn folk/freestyle, kusti, turkish, etc. While I have some pro influences from when I first started out I don't enjoy staged or cyber.

I prefer matches in spandex because I have a fetish. Singlets, speedos, sungas, tights, compression shorts etc. I do have several gis and I’m happy to roll in them but that has less gay appeal for me.

I’m also a huge fan of constriction whether it be bearhugs, bodyscissors or chokes (but do read my blog on choking risks). My preference is to be tortured in squeezy holds but I use them all the time and love to top for squeezeplay scenes. Either way I’m pretty intense. In my last scene I got my sub to panic and complain that he couldn’t breath, I giggled and said, “that’s the point”. Someday, as my endurance comes back, I hope to ko someone with my bodyscissors. Most of the time I just want to see your hand hovering over my leg on the verge of tapping but holding out. With scissors I often just loosen a little then slowly ramp up again. Do as to others as you want them to do to you, right?

I won’t meet people w/o photos. If you’re discreet, send it in your messages, if you can’t trust me not to share then you can’t trust me enough to roll.

I don’t usually involve sex in my rolls, again, we have to adjust how we’re rolling for me to even be turned on. I’m open to erotic, groping, rubbing, ball sniffing, etc, hell if I’m attracted to someone and they have the right ball sweat smell I love when they use them, in spandex, for breath control. If you want erotic, let me know but don’t be upset if I’m not into you that way.

HIV and STI neg but not on PREP (my body doesn’t tolerate it) so I have to be careful. Married and open, husband rarely joins.

*Looking for demonstration partners for my wrestling channel.



올림픽 / 그레코로만 올림픽 / 그레코로만
서브미션 서브미션
무규칙 격투 무규칙 격투
유도 유도

경기 방식: 대등한 경기, 주고받기, 일방적 경기, 놀이 레슬링, 기술 연습, 태그 팀 / 단체전, 2대 1 경기, 실외 경기, 사이버 경기에 관심 없음, 지도받기를 희망, 지도하기를 희망, 경쟁 (토너먼트)

특정 레슬링 스타일: 브라질리언 주짓수, 전통적 스타일, 수영장 레슬링, 머드/오일 레슬링

입식 격투기: 입식 격투기에 관심 없음, UFC/MMA 스타일 경기, 카포에라

기타 관심사: 마사지, 사용할 수 있는 매트가 있습니다, 친교, 모델, 힐(heel)입니다, 저버(jobber)입니다

페티쉬: 스판덱스, 레슬링 장비, 음경 및 고환 고문

Followers of ChrisWrestling

Some past opponents are not shown in the list above. Members who are blocked, suspended or on a hiatus are hidden.
ChrisWrestling has no cyber opponents.
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