Some of the changes I make to this site are less visible, but some just.. "pop". Like the latest one, the Member Ticker (the scrolling thingy just under the flags at the top of the page). If you have JavaScript enabled in your browser, chances are that you already saw it.

I know it doesn't add much to the usefulness of AllFighters, but it's fun and it was relatively easy to do. I'm also hoping that this will encourage more members to upload their photos. I'm not sure how much extra workload the ticker puts on the server; if it's too much, I will have to disable it.

Please, if you have the time, vote on the poll in my previous blog entry.

Admin out.

Admin님이 2009-08-23 오전 9:40에 마지막으로 수정
영구 링크




2009-08-23 오후 6:29

Hey Admin, I like the feature, but it does becoming annoying after a while.

Is there any way to make it optional? Or put it on a separate page?

Thank you.



2009-08-23 오후 10:53

You can disable it on your preferences page.
