Pro Wrestling Cyber match

How does this work?

Nightmareera (0 )

2018-04-22 오전 5:40

Ok its called Role play. You type into 1 sentence of a move or skills to beat your opponents.


TedDrake (0)

2018-04-21 오후 7:06

Hi everyone, not sure how this works - Not really in a position where I could meet up for matches so this might be the best way. How does the cyber match thing work then? Am happy to do Skype if someone fancies it - especially if the idea involves getting naked ;-)


JMM (40)

2018-04-23 오후 2:15

(이 글에 대한 답글)

You can check out my blog posts. They are two cyber matches I had awhile ago. They might be helpful.

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