Boxfest #1-Los Angeles/Santa Ana 2025-10-04
- 주최자WhiteCollarBrawler
- Closed attendanceThis event is private. Attendees must be confirmed by the event organizers and details are hidden from non-attendees.
- 날짜2025-10-04 오전 11:00
(토요일, 200일 내에)
The event's time zone is based on its location. - 기간2 일
- 신청 마감일2025-09-01
(월요일, 167일 내에) - Number of attendees40 attendees
- 상태신청 대기 중
- Chat room#BoxFest1-LosAngeles
- 행사 위치USA - California
$15 Location Rental Fee.
Location rental fees can be sent to “Boxing on the Boulevard” via Venmo @IHC243 or thru Zelle to 323-804-0118. You MUST include your MeetFighters screen
name and "Boxfest" in the memo/description when you send your funds.
Once you pay the location rental fee you will be accepted into the event posting on the MeetFighters website
within 48 hours. If you have not been accepted into the event within 48 hours of paying please
contact us.
**UPDATE: Anyone who applies will now be accepted into the event page. You can see the list of paid/confirmed attendees under the "Paid Members" tab**
**1300 E Wilshire Ave Suite C Santa Ana, CA**
Join co-hosts Fig4Man and WhiteCollarBrawler in Santa Ana (in Orange County approx 30 minutes from Los Angeles, CA) on Sat Oct 4 (11am-4pm) and Sun 5 (11am-3pm), 2025 for the first ever BoxFest, an event for boxers, kickboxers, and gutpunchers!
We will be renting a ring for 2 days in Santa Ana, CA for a variety of workouts. Boxing will be the main focus of course, but kickboxing, gutpunching, etc are all welcome to attend. We love and respect our wrestling brothers, but this is not a Wrestlefest;
the main focus is standup styles of combat.
"Safe, Sane, and Fun" is the Golden Rule of this get together. The ground rules to ensure everyone's safety are as follows:
-This is a SPARRING get together. Win/Loss sessions are neither encouraged nor permitted. All participants will be required to register in advance thru the official Event Page on the MeetFighters website. By signing up for this get together and paying the $15 location rental fee you certify that you are physically able to participate in these workouts and you will not hold the location and/or session organizers liable for any injury or medical issues. The goal is to practice, learn, and improve various standup styles.
-This is a private get together, however it will be taking place at a business; there is to be no other activity besides fitness/workouts at the location. In respect of the other tenants in the area
all participants should expect to remain inside the premises during the session. Street clothes are required to be worn to and from the location. If you wish to leave for lunch or to take a break etc please plan on leaving the premises.
-Sessions must be controlled at all times so everybody can have a great workout and learn additional skills. We will have at least 1 certified USA Boxing coach present. That person and/or their designated assistant reserves the right to stop any workout at any time, prohibit a mismatched workout between participants, and to force a mandatory rest period for a participant.
-All participants will be required to have hand wraps and mouthguards. Boxing gloves are required and must be 16oz. Headgear will be required for any workouts involving blows to the
head. Leg padding is required for kickboxing. Groin guards are recommended but not required. There will likely be SOME extra gear available to rent, but you should plan on bringing everything you need. Shorts/trunks and appropriate footwear are required inside the location at all times.
We expect to have at least one social event either Friday or Saturday evening (maybe even both!) depending on when people express interest; more info on that to come.
As far as how the get together is structured, that will be very dependent on how many people register. We hope that requiring a $15 location rental fee will help us get a more accurate picture of how many people will be attending and help cover some of our out of pocket expenses. Since this is our first get together we are planning for several options. We expect there to be round robin-type workouts for participants of similar levels. Most importantly we expect attendees to be able to schedule their own workouts with other participants of their choice. We will do our best to keep you informed every step of the way; we expect to have the best idea of attendance around 30-45 days out from the get together and will finalize the structure at that time. If attendance is on the low end it will be more likely that everyone will get to have more session time. If attendance is on the higher end a second area in the space will be setup (although not a ring). Registration fees are non refundable. However, if we do not have a minimum of 15 participants by June 15th the event MAY be cancelled. IF the event is cancelled due to low attendance, any fees collected will be refunded.
Information on possible discount hotel accommodations are coming shortly. If you have any questions at all please message Fig4man or WhiteCollarBrawler.
Gloves Up!