
관심사 그룹 가입일 1.6 years
나이 28
신장 180 cm
체중 102 kg
성별 남자
성적 성향 동성애자
복장 Tighty whities, briefs, thongs, jockstraps, singlets, speedos
마지막 로그인 7일 전
마지막 업데이트 2023-09-22


  1. 미국 - New York, Manhattan


서브미션 서브미션

Followers of SubBriefs


Found wrestling through way of wedgie meet ups. Still fairly new to the wrestling side so would love to find some matches where we either fight for the win or you straight up dominate and humiliate me. As long as I’m in a thong, briefs, speedo, or singlet (or eventually maybe none of the above) I’m down. Open to conversation about wrestling, gear, and more as well so feel free to message me here or on recon!


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