- 영국, London Borough of Enfield, England
Place of residence
300 킬로미터만큼 이동할 의향이 있습니다.
Looking to try out brit pro fantasies, not competitive but good scenarios, realistically played out. Sub/dom scenes especially, tests of strength, fingerlocks/forced down, grapevines, over the knee back breakers, controlling holds, verbals. Can switch jobber to heel. Aggressive verbals a turn on.
Hairy, with belly, looking to lose weight and get fitter. With that in mind, currently prefer up to an hour's wrestling - the long 2-3hrs some mention here is out of my depth for the moment. Tennis two-three times a week. Wrestling/massage workouts also welcome.
Safe and sane, happy to take on lighter opponents (and females) in catch weight contests where I start out favourite but end up in their control
ps bizarre negative 'no show' comment on my profile - posted by a guy unhappy that I wouldn't meet him in another city. I've never not turned up to an arranged meet
Triple vaxxed and (mild) Covid bout June 2021
경기 방식: 대등한 경기, 주고받기, 일방적 경기, 놀이 레슬링, 기술 연습, 태그 팀 / 단체전, 2대 1 경기, 운동 동료, 실외 경기, 온라인 채팅, 사이버 경기를 좋아함
특정 레슬링 스타일: 프로 서브미션 레슬링, 영국식 프로레슬링
기타 관심사: 마사지, 힐(heel)입니다, 저버(jobber)입니다