
관심사 그룹 가입일 1.9 years
나이 72
신장 163 cm
체중 80 kg
성별 남자
성적 성향 동성애자
Looking for 남자
복장 Briefs nude
사용 가능한 언어 영어
마지막 로그인 2일 전
마지막 업데이트 2025-01-02
  1. 미국 - New York, Manhattan
    Place of residence

10 마일만큼 이동할 의향이 있습니다.

이전 상대


Chunky native New York City guy. Living in the same Greenwich Village apartment since 1979. Former video cameraman for movimuswrestling (fka NHB-Battle). Retired banking operations office and former typesetter/graphic designer. (Designed the logo for Stonewall BAR when the franchise reopened around 1990. The owner died, and the new owners were able to re-establish the original name of Stonewall INN.)
Not very physical – more of a drinks/dinner/massage action at this age.
Interested in watching NHB, nude, semi-pro and promission, boxing and UFC.
Never had a buddy to watch wrestling videos, but I am open to the idea.


  • FlDean2012


    미국 - Florida, Fort Lauderdale

    66 / 183 cm / 77 kg
    13년 내에 119명의 이전 상대

Denstur1 has no cyber opponents.
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