喜欢拳击散打 自由搏击 没有训练过,只是喜欢单方面吊打KO 那种或者是互相打我KO对手 尤其是喜欢虐打胸肌 和肚子 M喜欢看着对手想反抗却无能为力的样子 希望可以找到共同爱好的人或者是喜欢被打的 坐标辽宁锦州 另外 喜欢拳击装备 尤其是拳击手套 欢迎有这方面爱好者一起交流 不接受任何性行为!!!如果你也是这样 欢迎留言添加QQ 2971509569 或者是其他聊天软件都可以 一起聊天 交个朋友 或者是见面
He likes boxing, he's not trained , Just like unilateral hanging KO that kind of or each other to beat my KO opponents, especially like to beat the chest muscle and stomach M like to look at the opponent want to resist but powerless look hope can find a common hobby or like to be beaten coordinates Jinzhou Liaoning also like boxing equipment, especially boxing gloves do not accept any sexual behavior!!! QQ 2971509569 If you are interesting about this, you can at this number from the chatting apps. Make friends or if have a chance to meet. enjoy this time.
킥복싱 / 무에타이
경기 방식: 일방적 경기, 온라인 채팅
입식 격투기: 입식 격투기에만 관심 있음, 태권도
기타 관심사: 힐(heel)입니다
페티쉬: 성교를 원하지 않음, 페티쉬에 관심 없음, 복싱 장비