Streetfighters / Brawlers

Amsterdam Fight Venue


2021-08-07 오전 9:48

I live in cadiz city, spain.

I host. I live alone.

I look for street fight, no rules, KO-mandatory.

I live near beach.

Wellcome street fighters.


Kochap (19)

2021-08-06 오전 7:11

I’ll be in the Amsterdam area for a 2day stopover, if anyone’s available for a matchup


wrestle4kicks (57)

2017-09-25 오후 2:28

No private fight venue for rent in Amsterdam, as far as I know. I have searched for it and not found it either. I need such venue too.


ChiFight (6)

2017-09-25 오전 3:05

Can anyone recommend a good private fight venue in Amsterdam?

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