SoCal Wrestlefest

Pro Wrestling Group

Slater Jackson (56)

2017-03-01 오후 6:06

Let's tag up against these guys!


Jimmy Elijah (76)

2017-02-08 오전 3:31

If you're into pro wrestling (ring, gear, boots, moves) let us know you're interested.

We're getting a group of guys together for a regular meetup to hangout and wrestle.

No bruises. No egos. Just sweat.

A couple guys are looking for tag team opponents.


Bulldozer88 (7)

2019-08-06 오후 6:08

(이 글에 대한 답글)

Is there a group that does this? A group that trains and maybe works out together


Gregorio2 (10)

2019-08-06 오후 5:50

(이 글에 대한 답글)

From 2017, and no "new comments" in a southern California demographic? There must be numerous sub-set groups already in operation who don't sense a need for additional networking?

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