Just read that craigslist is ending its personals section due to FOSTA Act that was passed by Congress. My question is,how long will this site last?
The law basically says that if two adults meet, and anything goes wrong, they can sue the website through which they met. Earlier websites had immunity.
vostok scissors (5)
2018-04-15 오전 9:04You just change the country of incorporation :)
2018-04-15 오전 7:12Yes. We will last. Don’t worry about us.
jobberasian (28)
2018-04-15 오전 5:30That's interesting. What about e-harmony and all those other dating sites? Will it affect them too?
luckyone840 (26 )
2018-04-14 오후 10:41Just read that craigslist is ending its personals section due to FOSTA Act that was passed by Congress. My question is,how long will this site last?
The law basically says that if two adults meet, and anything goes wrong, they can sue the website through which they met. Earlier websites had immunity.