Freestyle Wrestling

Best or Favorute Takedown

Ringerohr (40)

2018-01-05 오전 6:20

I will fight all skilled wrestlers here who will come here into my fightroom

a propper wrestling ( in a boxring ... 5 x 5 meters ) is waiting


Ringerohr (40)

2018-01-05 오전 4:33

I have been wrestling amateur freestyle for decades. For me the single and double leg attack worked most. Only if your opponents is fighting very low you should change your tactics because in this case leg attack are not the best way to take your opponent down.
Here in Germany wrestlers often fight both styles ... Greco-Roman and freestyle. If I fought Greco-Roman my favorite move was the suplex. Not too many give you both arms to do it but if I would have gone for it. Often it worked well and I got 5 points and the spectators were excited .


veterangrappler (16 )

2018-01-04 오후 8:11

Been working on the duck under. Works real well, especially with guys who raise the arms to try to pull your head down to lock it.


veterangrappler (16 )

2016-06-20 오후 5:00

Lateral drop with an outside trip brings the guy right to his back.


f4leglock (11)

2018-01-05 오전 5:56

(이 글에 대한 답글)

What a shame you're so far away. I would love to train with you to perfect some of those moves


veterangrappler (16 )

2018-01-05 오전 6:14

(이 글에 대한 답글)

Yes. Would love to wrestle you.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

2016-06-19 오전 5:04

In freestyle there are 1,3 and point takedowns depdning on the ampltude, where your ropponent lands and whether initiated above or below the hips. The more amplitude the points. Almost any takedown that works for freestyle will work for jiujitsu or folkstyle as well. I got through college (albeit it was a weak division 3 school) usian gmainly the firemans carry and if you take your opponent to his back it is a 3 point move. In folkstyle it is a2 point move, but if you keep him on his back for up to 5 seconds you will also get 2 more poitns or 3 mor epoints if you keep him on his back for at least 3 seconds.In jiujitsu extra points will depend on where you take your oppoent at the end of the takedown. I find the main thing that helps me in the foreman's is holding your opponents tricep (from the inside tie when you start) extrememly tight as oyou maneuver him to the mat, Feel free to add suggestions and tecniques good for freestyle. Thanks

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