Brit pro wrestling

Favourite classic Brit pro move

gutpunchmeonwos (3)

2011-01-27 오전 2:39

Reverse pin with a chest sit or face sit used to be a fave with bobby barnes then some well placed punches right into the jobbers belly urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nice used to right turn on


turpin (71)

2011-01-25 오후 11:32

I used to watch out for the headlock/facebar/stranglehold sequence. There were several variations but it was generally employed by practitioners during round 2 or 3. Those who tended to use it included Terry Rudge, Jon Cortez and Pete Roberts. Look out for Rudge vs Romany Riley and Cortez v Tommy Lorne for examples. 갤러리 사진을 보기 위해서는 로그인해야 합니다.


Folding Press (13)

2011-01-23 오후 5:26

Folding press - especially if it was between two cute bum guys - say Valentine, Danny Collins Ian McGregor, Keith Hayward etc


jaydee (0)

2011-01-19 오후 2:59

Hi We all have one or two moves we hoped would get used during the 50 minutes or so on Saturday afternoons -what were they?

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