
full-contact / kick-boxing

Brutalfighter (0)

2018-04-19 오전 1:34

I like Fullcontact kickboxing. +49176 42404687


BilBeaux (0)

2018-03-17 오후 10:13

No one seems to be posting boxe francaise videos.
To me - more interesting than mma.


Bakugo (1)

2018-03-17 오후 10:16

(이 글에 대한 답글)

Full-contact is american boxing...


BilBeaux (0)

2018-03-17 오후 10:19

(이 글에 대한 답글)

By certain definitions.
MMA seems more full contact.
You ought to post about savate in the Boxing group.
Many folks have no idea about it!


Bakugo (1)

2018-03-18 오전 11:32

(이 글에 대한 답글)

I think you misunderstand...
The full contact is a mix between classic boxing (punches) and karate (kicks), imported in France by Dominique Valéra in the 1970s.


Bakugo (1)

2018-03-04 오후 4:07

Good afternoon all !

Who practices full-contact (american boxing) or kick-boxing here ?

I practiced american boxing for 1 year but I had to stop because of health issues...


ikf (24 )

2018-04-18 오후 1:38

(이 글에 대한 답글)

there is a search option for kickboxing (which includes full-contact)

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