Got to wrestle a dude NYE fought him in a bedroom at a party.
wrestled on a bed first just in jeens then we got naked. He was hot and smooth, long blond hair, we rolled around talking dirty. Got him going when I sucked his nipps.
After i did that i rolled him over and humped him cock 2 cock, I knew he was gonna lose it and he did, groaned and shot cum between us. There was A LOT so I rubbed my bare feet in it an then put them in his face. He sucked the cum off my toes it felt soo fuckin good!
Then I got back on top of him and we rubbed more. I moved his longs legs around me and did him till i jizzed between us 2. Hot fuckin wrestle!
A few years ago i'd wrestle dudes in this old empty garage that had an old dirty mattress in it. This kid i knew showed it to me and we'd go in there and get high. I get way boned when I see dirty bare feet so when u went in the floors were all oiled up and ur feet would get totally black.
So when i started wrestling other dudes I'd go there with them and get turned on by wrestling and by seeing their grungy soles.When we got on the mattress we'd fight naked and the first boy to cum was the loser. We'd be on top of each other like grinding cock 2 cock and talking dirty. Then the winner could just jizz on the losers stomach or chest or whatever. a couple times when i won I'd cum on the other dude's dirty bare feet cause it looked so hott.
I probably shot like a gallon of cum on the mattress along with the other dudes I wrestled with. I never saw anyone else in there and in 2015 they tore it down to build a new house. Too bad!
barefootdude (0)
2018-01-03 오전 2:14Got to wrestle a dude NYE fought him in a bedroom at a party.
wrestled on a bed first just in jeens then we got naked. He was hot and smooth, long blond hair, we rolled around talking dirty. Got him going when I sucked his nipps.
After i did that i rolled him over and humped him cock 2 cock, I knew he was gonna lose it and he did, groaned and shot cum between us. There was A LOT so I rubbed my bare feet in it an then put them in his face. He sucked the cum off my toes it felt soo fuckin good!
Then I got back on top of him and we rubbed more. I moved his longs legs around me and did him till i jizzed between us 2. Hot fuckin wrestle!
barefootdude (0)
2017-11-10 오전 5:31A few years ago i'd wrestle dudes in this old empty garage that had an old dirty mattress in it. This kid i knew showed it to me and we'd go in there and get high. I get way boned when I see dirty bare feet so when u went in the floors were all oiled up and ur feet would get totally black.
So when i started wrestling other dudes I'd go there with them and get turned on by wrestling and by seeing their grungy soles.When we got on the mattress we'd fight naked and the first boy to cum was the loser. We'd be on top of each other like grinding cock 2 cock and talking dirty. Then the winner could just jizz on the losers stomach or chest or whatever. a couple times when i won I'd cum on the other dude's dirty bare feet cause it looked so hott.
I probably shot like a gallon of cum on the mattress along with the other dudes I wrestled with. I never saw anyone else in there and in 2015 they tore it down to build a new house. Too bad!