champ here

slimboog 09 (0)

2010-12-17 오후 10:51

this is champ im looking for a match against anyone out there in florida ive been reighning champion for the past five years and its funny how losers always step to me wanting a match and then get their butts kicked if u think u got what it takes well theballs i should say im always open for a new challenge since u will be defeated any way dont stop urself from coming through to face and then get beat as for fat and old dudes back off okay i dont wrestle u guys because thats just nasty im looking for some young meat ages 18 to 30 atleast and theres is definently no sex involved in my matches just ball grabbing the champ has spoken feel free to hit me up chumps lol 갤러리 사진을 보기 위해서는 로그인해야 합니다.

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