I have to sell my wrestling collection pretty fast and I thought you guys might be interested. I'm going through Ebay and adding titles as quick as I can. Stuff I have includes 5 Mark Lander Let's Wrestle matches and several UIW's. What I have up so far can be seen here:
Secret Crusher (43)
2021-01-09 오전 2:18I would love some uiw matches if you still have them.
Massalia (0)
2012-10-20 오후 8:35Hello, do you have DVD with Japanese wrestlers like JPWA or Wrestling Factory ??
Do you have nhb battle DVD especially with Simon Jackson ?
In case of yes inform me and give me your ref on e.bay.
cjrub (0)
2012-05-11 오후 10:13I have to sell my wrestling collection pretty fast and I thought you guys might be interested. I'm going through Ebay and adding titles as quick as I can. Stuff I have includes 5 Mark Lander Let's Wrestle matches and several UIW's. What I have up so far can be seen here:
Thanks guys! 갤러리 사진을 보기 위해서는 로그인해야 합니다.
mikey3458 (25 )
2012-10-22 오후 4:54(이 글에 대한 답글)
link is broke