First Time in Ring

alexjs (6)

2014-09-03 오후 8:58

Great story man. I hope someday I have the chance of being in either one of the situations.

This kind of match where you have the victory in your hands, but everything goes wrong and you end up losing is such a turn-on to me.

The opposite role as well. The desperation of losing to someone that you had never lost before that is converted into a great excitement and a feeling of revenge when you turn the tables. Your opponent must have had a real blast. I envy you both.


PedroParis (28)

2012-10-23 오후 9:48

Excellent! would have loved to be there... Petrus


restle (31)

2012-10-10 오후 9:45

Ring in Rochdale


Mr Brightside (12)

2012-10-10 오후 4:07

Where in Yorkshire is this ring? I thought the only ring was in Manchester?


gedlutte1 (38)

2012-08-05 오전 10:27

Great story. Used this as the basis for a scrap I had a while ago. Thanks for the inspiration.


Twister81 (5)

2018-07-07 오전 8:07

(이 글에 대한 답글)

Do you remember when you tried to choke me out in that match at johns


Woswrestle (0)

2018-06-23 오전 8:32

(이 글에 대한 답글)

Hi gedlutte1, I read your reply to a story in 'first time in the ring' I would luv to experience that with you..


celticman2012 (0)

2012-05-09 오후 8:40

Pre cum myself


restle (31)

2012-05-07 오후 6:06

Always wanted to wrestle in a ring so travelled to Yorkshire to meet a wrestling mate who I had met several times, and mainly lost to in the past due to his technical skill advantage.

He wanted full stakes and I agreed as I was more gym trained than ever and some 30lbs heavier than a 2 inch height advantage. I figured he was getting older and revenge from our last hotel encounter was desired.

We agreed a strip wrestle from arrival in street gear and exchanged threatening text messages all morning to ensure we were both fully engaged. On seeing him he grasped his crotch and made it clear that he wanted my arse before the afternoon was done. I told him that I was gonna own him before the day was out and he'd be hogtied and squealing like a pig.

We locked the door behind us,kicked off our trainers and headed into the ring. He was wearing white t shirt , jeans and white socks.I had combats , black rugby socks and black tshirt.

He rushed me and tried to put me off my describing me as a "fat cunt" but I managed to lock on an immediate headlock and pulled him to the ground. He was over confident and was now learning the power of my biceps. Taking no chances increased pressure immediately forcing a submission. The rules stated one submission, one item. I requested his jeans so that it would make him feel vunerable. He removed them and tossed them from the ring revealing his white lonsdale underwear. He wasnt pleased!

He was angry and came at me again but i dodged him and he slipped. I got straight on top of him and pressed my weight advantage in a semi schoolboy type of move. I reached round and squeezed his sack which caused him to lift a leg to protect his manhood. I grabbed a leg and pulled it forward until he could bend no more and submitted. I took his tshirt next leaving himin his lonsdale pants n still fully dressed.

He was superpissed now and as socks counted as one he was only two subs away from being naked and my prize. I chucked the leather cuffs into the ring from my sports bag to remind him of the hogtie hell he was gonna endure soon.

As a top he had not been in this position with me before and was visibly shaken by the turn of events.I went at him straight away and used my strength to force him down after a minute of circling. He left his nuts open and i took them and told him to submit before i did damage. He gave in readily as i used a nut "separater" technique where you concentrate on just one ball. He was in agony. I took his white pants off while he nursed his balls and forced them into his mouth. He was now fighting me in just his socks and I was still fully clothed. He had a main of hair and a nice pleasure traildown to his crotch. I told him that I had brought the razor and he could expect to lose it. He growled and came forward faster than I was expecting and manged to trip me. I fell and he managed to grab my ankles and he forced his socked foot between my legs. He applied pressure and I gave quickly as he crushed my nuts. In anger he kept the pressure on dispite my submission and told me to loosen my combats ready for removal. I complied and he removed them swiftly revealing my black underarmour briefs. As i was getting up he put a choke on from behind and whispered "whose gonna get hogtied now boy". My eyes started to go starry and I submited again. He removed my pants and tugged at my pubes as a reminder of what I had threatened to do to him.

I got up quickly and avoided another cheat attack. My manhood now on display as well but needing only one more win to have him in pain for the agreed hour. He came at me and spat to put me off. A bit went in my eye and i found myself in yet another choke hold before I could move away. He forcedme to my kness and asked me to fucking submit. I did. he removed my tshirt my tearing it off. Both of us now just in socks - him white - me black. He was now fairly hard.I couldnt believe i was in this position after such a good start. He came at me early but this time I was ready for him. I managed to triphim and land on top. Schoolboi pin with my bare balls restingon his chin. I dug my knee intohis bicepblakening his skin and moved one hand over to hold his nose to force his mouth to open. As his mouth came open in went my precummed cock. "Clean that boi" I shouted, though suddenly toppled - it had been a mistake to hold his nose as it unbalanced me. Suddenly he had escaped and had me foot in some sorta ground anklelock. He put on immediate pressure and i scrreched out a submission. After all the hard work i had lost. He took my black socks off and pushe done into my mouth and tied the other around my nuts. He then took the cuffs and anklecuffys and toldme to put them on. Rudely he foraged around in my bag. Once on he forced me on to my stomach and secured the clips with me hogtied. he said..."hour starts now cunt". He pulled out the black tape and placed a long stip on each arse cheek to put my hole on full display and vunerability. I then felt the wet lube go around and then invasively in my hole. He then turned on the hair trimmers and took any aresholehair he could find. He released my legs leaving my hand tied and told me to open my legs fully. He persuaded me with ball torture. He put on the condom and informed me that if he found i wasnt clean that he would make me eat the contents of the condom. I felt a sudden sharp pain as his six inches entered me.....



2012-10-10 오후 3:49

(이 글에 대한 답글)

Nice story and hot ending. In the end you both got what you deserved. I hope you both enjoyed your match and rewards. You proved that you can take it like a real man. I'd love to meet and wrestle that fucking badass too. And would love to challenge you for a winner-takes-all match. Thanks for the write-up. More power to you.

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