Femboys Catfight for Daddy

ftjock (83 )

2023-01-07 오후 1:16

Love all this, keep going bro 💪🏾


Ginger (0)

2023-01-02 오전 1:44

I've been searching for good catfight stories and they're hard to come by, so I decided to begin writing my own. This story will be about a straight married daddy and his two femboy side pieces who are both competing for his attention. I'll be releasing chapters as I write them, but here is the intro:

Title: Femboys catfight for daddy


Never in his wildest dreams would Mark have thought TWO hot femboys would be brawling over him.

A typical wall street finance type, Mark was 52 years old and married to a woman, but recently began looking for a young twink to keep as his side piece and spoil along the way. Mark was incredibly handsome, with a full head of thick salt-and-pepper hair, a chiseled jaw and distinguished nose, and not to mention a smile that kills. Standing at 6’3, Mark was in great shape. His body was everything you want in a daddy; large muscular biceps, an exquisitely strong chest that perfectly fills out his shirts, a quintessential “dad bod” stomach, broad shoulders, a thick neck, and big meaty thighs.

Mark ended up meeting Grayson and Owen around the same time, who were both 20 years old and studying fashion in NYC. Fashion school wasn’t their only similarity: Grayson and Owen both stood at 5’8, with smooth toned bodies. Both were extremely feminine and girly, each with their own versions of sass. Even though Owen had dark red hair and Grayson was blonde, they looked like they could be brothers. Each had hair coming down behind their ears, though Grayson’s cut was more hipster than Owen’s more conservative style.

Soon after meeting both boys, Mark leased Grayson and Owen their own separate apartments for the summer in the same building, making it easy for Mark to come and go as he pleased. It didn’t take long before the boys became aware of one another, and their rival quickly developed into hatred. After finding out the boys had gotten into a physical fight in their elevator one night, Mark became increasingly aroused by the idea of them fighting over him. Thus began his mission to fuel this fire by purposefully making the other jealous.

One evening, Mark invited both boys to the same hotel suite, and once they realized the other was there, Mark sat back and took a front row seat as his two femboys lunged at each other and became viscously entangled in an all-out-spilling-into-every-room-hairpulling-catballing-screaming-kicking-wall-banging CATFIGHT.

Did Mark break them up eventually? Was it their last fight?

more to come!


toughguyabs (0 )

2023-01-21 오후 1:46

(이 글에 대한 답글)

Great story and would love to see more!!! I like being involved in sub catfights, as a participant.

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