🎄 Happy Holidays and Media Update for Messages 🎁 MeetFightersMeetFighters일반 레슬링 및 격투 관련 주제Ageist abuse Ageist abuse Monkey Business (1)19일 전 Please ignore, Blocked the culprit & moved on 번역하기 Monkey Business (1)19일 전 Rightly, we're asked to report racism in chat. What about ageist abuse via personal messages? Oddly, I got a torrent from someone I don't know who is abouit the same age. (Btw, have blocked) Any ideas, pls? 번역하기 댓글을 달려면 로그인해야 합니다. 여기에 글을 게재하시려면 로그인하세요.
Monkey Business (1)
19일 전Please ignore, Blocked the culprit & moved on
Monkey Business (1)
19일 전Rightly, we're asked to report racism in chat. What about ageist abuse via personal messages? Oddly, I got a torrent from someone I don't know who is abouit the same age. (Btw, have blocked) Any ideas, pls?