Vegas Rumble 2025-05-06

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Event Overview
  • 주최자Drdrd
  • 날짜
    2025-05-06 오전 9:52
    (화요일, 38일 내에)
    The event's time zone is based on its location.
  • 기간
    4 일
  • 신청 마감일
    (월요일, 37일 내에)
  • Number of attendees
    21 attendees
  • 상태
    신청 대기 중
  • Chat room
  • 행사 위치
    USA - Nevada

No fee. Participants who want to stay over will need their own room.

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Event Description

Submission wrestlers meeting at Tuscany hotel in Vegas for relaxed and fun submission matches. Locals and visitors encouraged.
Get a room and set up your matches ahead of time. Or set up time for a group match.
Locals that can bring mats would be highly valued.
No fees. Just impromptu group meet up.
Be healthy enough to wrestle and all activities are at your own risk, so communicate match style and rules ahead of time.
*Be sure to have matches lined up ahead of time so you don't miss out!*

Guest book
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Content related to this event is only available to attendees.
Content related to this event is only available to attendees.

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